It' seems you can use HEAD function for your dimension expression, e.g.


This will show only the first member from all the statuses for the set.

Also, you can sort the members of AuditStatus dimension by AuditDate. To do this introduce to the AuditStatus level in the cube AuditDate property (just drag it to the level from the properties list in the Architect) and apply the sorting for this property as Descending. It will sort all the members of the dimension AuditStatus level by AuditDate in all the queries and will show you the last one for the HEAD function.

Hi, Mike!

Do you want the separate tag "Mike Kadow"?  ;)

BTW, we just introduced member's page - so everyone can see all your posts on your member's page.

Is it what you are looking for?

Another approach is to open DC analytics on the tags dashboard, click on Beginner tag and pick Mike Kadow as the author - you'll get only Beginner posts posted by Mike Kadow:


Hi, Ryan!

Let me show you this via Samples:

This MDX will do the job:

SELECT NON EMPTY {[Measures].[Amount Sold],[MEASURES].[PCT REVENUE SOLD]} ON 0,NON EMPTY HEAD(ORDER([Product].[P1].[Product Category].Members,Measures.[Amount Sold],BDESC),5) ON 1 FROM [HOLEFOODS]

Where PCT REVENUE SOLD has the following expression:

Aggregate(Product.CurrentMember,Measures.[Amount Sold])/Aggregate(Product.CurrentMember.Parent,Measures.[Amount Sold])

This results in Analyzer with the following pivot:

It shows top 5 Product categories by revenue with percent to Total.

Hope this helps