Dmitriy, I have very limited experience with VSCode, none using it with Cache coding. I looked at using it to replace UltraEdit/UEStudio and Notepad ++. I use those daily for XML, HTML file formatting, base64 decoding, file comparisons, CSS and JavaScript.

Using VSCode instead of Studio isn't an option for me at this time, team uses Studio with source hooks. If that changed, I'd be open to using it side by side with Atelier to compare. I've read many of your post and other's on using VSCode for Cache development. I assumed that path was being taken as the future of Atelier was unsure, and suggested at times that it had no future, other than support for what was already there.

I'm not using IRIS yet. Having options is good, especially for those coming from other development languages and/or not primarily focused on ObjectScript. Hopefully Studio continues to be supported, even better, receives future updates.

I have no issues working in Studio. I'm primarily developing with ObjectScript and XSLT. I've also used Studio for JavaScript, CSP, and web development (mixed with ObjectScript).

I'm not using Atelier now, but used it at a few previous jobs in team environments. Linking and using it with Git was very easy. After primarily using Studio for many years, adjusting to Atelier wasn't a steep learning curve. Initially there were things I switched back to  Studio for, like "Find in files". But after a few updates and getting used to it, it was comfortable, flow felt logical.

I haven't used VS Code for ObjectScript. I tried it recently as a potential replacement for UltraEdit/Studio. I found it cumbersome, no toolbars, not intuitive...for me. I suspect if I were to  dive in with it, as I had to with Atelier, it would feel better.

I don't get to the point of trying to login. As soon as Studio launches for this connection, instead of showing the logon box, it goes directly to the error. I've never connected to it from Studio, so my username/password are not saved. There is also no entry in the audit log when I try to open Studio, no event for this is being logged.

I've also tried ccontrol stop then start on the instance.

Be sure once you've added the extended properties you compile the extension class(es) and recompile base classes you're extending. If you're extending HS.SDA3.Medication, the new properties are added to HS.Local.SDA3.MedicationExtension. After adding the properties, compile HS.Local.SDA3.MedicationExtension, then HS.SDA3.Medication.

Can you post and example of one of your extended classes, the steps you're following, and what is/is not working as you'd expect?

Was this added in 1.1, and if so, what are the requirements to use it?

In Eclipse, I go to Search, Atelier Search tab. Near the bottom, I select a Scope, but every server/namespace I select has the red x to the side, indicating that server connection "does not support Atelier text search. Consider updating server." This is with 2017.1.1 HS installs.

For project code, searching locally is not a problem. But occasionally I search in system packages (HS, Ens, EnsLib,...), and I'd rather not pull them locally, since I won't be editing, only looking for how something was implemented.

+1 for this feature.

I'm starting to heavily use Eclipse/Atelier, and want to standardize the way I add todo's. In the past, I've done things like

; todo, initials, yyyymmdd, comment

I've created a template for Atelier, named todo, set to:  // TODO; myInitials, ${date}; ${documentation}

It would be really nice to leverage Eclipse tasks against this.

Is there a somewhere to asking for features?

The runtime option works as I need. To clarify for anyone else wanting this use, note the following.

If you use one eclipse install, with multiple workspaces, you can set some setting separate for each workspace. What is shared between all workspaces is server connections and installed plug-ins. You may be able to configure the plug-ins different for each workspace, or not use the plug-in in some workspaces, but it's still there. In my case, a plug-in in interfering with parts of Eclipse, it's actually blocking somethings, like the marketplace.

If you use two (or more) separate installs of eclipse, each install has it's own plug-ins, and doesn't see plug-ins from the other installs. But, by default, all installs share the same secure_storage, meaning, server connections are shared and display the same on all installs.

To use separate server connections, and whatever else secure_storage is used for, edit the shortcut that launches eclipse. You can do this with a single installation of eclipse (and one or more workspaces) or with multiple installs. In Windows, change the shortcut that launches eclipse to this:

The following 2 examples will create a file named secure_storage in the folder c:\install1\eclipse\configuration\

C:\install1\eclipse\eclipse.exe -eclipse.keyring configuration\secure_storage

C:\install2\eclipse\eclipse.exe -eclipse.keyring configuration\secure_storage

You can also use absolute paths:

C:\install1\eclipse\eclipse.exe -eclipse.keyring C:\install1\eclipse\configuration\secure_storage

If you already have connections setup, the secure_storage file by default exist here:


You can copy that file to the location you want to use, then when you edit the shortcut, it will start with previous settings.

Note, when I Googled it originally, some of the sites indicating using the eclipse.keyring option by adding it to the eclipse.ini. That did not work.

"The location of the secure storage file depends on the directory in which Eclipse was installed."

I checked both installs, and they both have the same storage location. Both installs are in separate distinct install locations, like C:\FirstInstall\eclipse and C:\SecondInstall\eclipse\

The secure storage for both installs are pointing to C:\Users\{username}\.eclipse\\secure_storage

This directory did not exist before the installs. I see in the Secure Storage settings page I can delete, but not sure if that is going to delete it from that installs settings, or the actual directory location. 

I guess the question is, why did it put the storage in that location, and can it be changed?

I know I can work with multiple servers in one workspace.  Yes, settings are stored in workspaces, so if you create more than one workspace, you can have different settings. But, plug-ins installed are shared with a single install. I have a plug-in that is causing problems, but I'm required to use it for a specific task. I'd like to have a separate install, without that plug in. Additionally, I want different server connections for each install.