Hi I am getting below error while upgrading cache instance. Please suggest.

Error: ERROR #70: *** Error while formatting volume because
ERROR #18: failed creating a new volume initializing CACHETEMP, /*****/databases/cachetemp/ - Shutting down the system
An error was detected during Cache startup.
** Startup aborted **

1 3
0 585

Hi I am getting below error in xDBC error log

<-400>: Dispatch+14^%SYS.BINDSRV ServerLoop

When I check the detail of error I am getting below information. Please suggest as our schedule job getting failed due to same error.

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0 497


Please let me know best way to restore single cache database of 300 GB from one server to another with minimum downtime.

Cold backup will take lot of time for 300 GB database size and snapshot backup not possible.

Not sure about cache online backup which take all databases backup.

0 5
0 1.8K


Getting below error on newly installed cache version 2017.2. This is running fine on another instance.

Q00QUASAR:TEST1>D $system.OBJ.CompileAll()

Detected 1229 errors during compilation in 145.4s.

Instance name:TEST2>D $system.OBJ.CompileAll()

Detected 202 errors during compilation in 211.7s.

Instance name:TEST3>D $system.OBJ.CompileAll()

Detected 784 errors during compilation in 186.6s.

TEST2>do $System.OBJ.CompilePackage("Calendar")

Compilation started on 02/25/18 17:21:33 with qualifiers ''

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