go to post Manish Valecha · Aug 7, 2018 Hi Robert, Thanks for your answer. There is no issue with space as 56GB space available on mount point and access already exist to start cache services even we tried to start services with root but still getting same error.
go to post Manish Valecha · May 30, 2018 I am getting below error Daemons are running (shared memory object is missing) cconsole.log saying 3 Daemon WRTDMN (pid 28161) died. Freezing system
go to post Manish Valecha · May 18, 2018 Hi,Please confirm if I follow below steps for refresh.1. Export user permission on destination database.2. Dismount source database and destination database.3. copy cache.dat file from source server and replace on destination server.4. Mount database on both source and destination server.5. Import user permission.
go to post Manish Valecha · Apr 10, 2018 Hi,I have successfully upgrade cache instance. I have another query on cache migration. I have installed cache 2017.2 on new host and copy cache.cpf from my old system to newly build server to migrate database. I am getting below error while starting cache services.Unable to copy file '/vcm/cachesys/cache.cpf53914' to '/vcm/cachesys/cache.cpf'Error: Parsing CPF file /vcm/cachesys/cache.cpf - Shutting down the systemAn error was detected during Cache startup.
go to post Manish Valecha · Apr 5, 2018 Hi,From below linc I can understand pre and post steps before upgradation cache however I am looking for complete steps to upgrade cache from 2017.1 to 2017.2http://docs.intersystems.com/latest/csp/docbook/DocBook.UI.Page.cls?KEY=GCI_upgrade
go to post Manish Valecha · Mar 18, 2018 Thanks John for answer, As per above document I understand we need to take backup of system and we need to execute 2017.2 setup.This will be fresh installation of 2017.2 with new binaries.Please confirm there will be no change on existing server(2017.1) once 2017.2 installation will be completed except version change as we have to do installation on existing server only.ofcourse we have change license file.