Article Megumi Kakechi · Nov 7 1m read How to programmatically obtain a list of configured namespaces InterSystems FAQ rubric It can be obtained with a List query of the %SYS.Namespace class. 1. Create a routine like this: #System Administration #Tips & Tricks #InterSystems IRIS #Caché #Ensemble #InterSystems IRIS for Health 6 3 1 104
Article Tomoko Furuzono · Oct 24 1m read Maximum Number of Namespaces and Databases InterSystems FAQ rubric The maximum number of namespaces that can be created in one instance is 2047. However, to use a large number of namespaces, you will need to configure memory accordingly. #Databases #System Administration #InterSystems IRIS #InterSystems IRIS for Health 0 0 0 102