I HAVE A NEW SQL CLASS THAT DISPLAYS ENTRIES BASED ON THE FIRST 2 NODES OF A GLOBAL. I FOUND OUT THAT THE CLASS ALLOWS FOR AN ADDITIONAL NODE(s) TO BE INSERTED IN THE "User Specification Node:" along the delimiter and the Piece in the NewStorage Map1 for "ModifyDDDD" shown below. it is not working.

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Hence the question: is there a way to do that?

The goal is to get data (from half a thousand to 3-4 thousands lines) from DB, calculate standart deviation then use it as logical condition in analyzer.

For example IF std > custom_value = show_the_result ELSE null

There is a STDDEV(MDX) method used in Analyzer but it is a measure and it can not be used as logical condition (correct me if i am wrong)

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I'm playing with some anayltic queries against FHIR server tables. The HSFHIR_X0002_S_Patient.addressCity table contains a lot of cities which names contain german charachers such as ä, ö and ü.

The following query works fine:

select value from HSFHIR_X0002_S_Patient.addressCity

But this one converts city names to uppercase, and characters with umlauts are lost, so instead of "Köln" or "München" I see KOLN and MUNCHEN:

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I am using a JDBC connection to MS SQL server to execute a stored procedure to select data and bring it into InterSystems as a EnsLib.SQL.Snapshot. I loop through the EnsLib.SQL.Snapshot using a while loop, but I also want to iterate through the Columns within that Row to do logic.

Is there a way to iterate through the Columns of the current Row of the EnsLib.SQL.Snapshot so I can apply logic/rules for further processing?



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First time trying to use Foreign Tables/Servers instead of Linked Tables...

Within the SQL Editor inside of the Managment Portal, or connecting through DBeaver JDBC how we can see what Foreign Servers have been defined? Is there a way to query and verify structure of the Foreign Server connection to know that we are building the correct Foreign Tables?

I attempted to create my first Foreign table but it failed when I tried to query the tables because it said the table could not be found. But when I sign into the Database via SQL Management Studio, I can see the table.

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Hello My Friends,

I have a question how to use order by %DLIST, this is my code:



$ListToString(%DLIST(DISTINCT (MRDIA_ICDCode_DR->MRCID_Desc || ' (' || MRDIA_DiagnosisType_DR->DTYP_Code || ')')),', ' ) Diagnose


LEFT JOIN SQLUser.PA_AdmInsurance ON (PAADM_RowID = INS_ParRef AND INS_Rank = 1)



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