A sophisticated alerting solution lets you solve problems quickly and proactively. Watch the recorded webinar: Proactive Alerting: Advanced Approaches for Alerting Solutions webinar presented by Michael Brady, InterSystems Technical Trainer, to learn how to make the most out of your alerting solution.

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Anxious about starting your first major REST application? Don't fret! Join Michael Smart, Senior Support Specialist at InterSystems, as he explores the principles of RESTful design and covers best practices for creating flexible, robust, and intuitive REST services.

Watch the webinar and access the sample code.

Still have questions? Ask them in the comments section below!

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Hi Community!

If you need to help maintain and monitor your system, you could give additional users access to the Management Portal.

Are you interested? So, check the new Developer Video of the week:

Webinar: Securing the Management Portal

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