I'm playing with some anayltic queries against FHIR server tables. The HSFHIR_X0002_S_Patient.addressCity table contains a lot of cities which names contain german charachers such as ä, ö and ü.

The following query works fine:

select value from HSFHIR_X0002_S_Patient.addressCity

But this one converts city names to uppercase, and characters with umlauts are lost, so instead of "Köln" or "München" I see KOLN and MUNCHEN:

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My IRIS instance is connected to a Postgres database using SQL Gateway and linked tables.
One of these tables is projected to the Patient class. I want to select a record from this table by ID and convert it to a FHIR resource using the %ExistsId and %OpenId methods.
I noticed that if I call these two methods from the console, the record is always found.

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I am trying to work with Epic on FHIR. Epic's documentation stated, your application makes a HTTP POST request to the authorization server's OAuth 2.0 token endpoint to obtain access token.

Set tSC = ##class(%SYS.OAuth2.Authorization).GetAccessTokenClient(pClient,pScopes,.prop,.err) returns

ERROR #9761: No key in provided JWKS for alg ES512 and kid

I check this /csp/sys/oauth2/OAuth2.JWTServer.cls?client_name=medbank and I see this:

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