Just got the new beta version of Docker, with depreciation warning of AUFS. It's so bad news when InterSystems does not support used by default storage driver overlay2. Recently I thought to play with Google Kubernetes Engine, and realized that I can't work with InterSystems products there due to incompatibility with Storage Driver. Maybe it's already time to think about support?

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I followed the First Look instructions and tried to run a Docker container with the below command:

> docker run --name iris --detach --publish 52773:52773 --volume /Users/docker:/external --env ICM_SENTINEL_DIR=/external iris:latest --key /external/iris.key --before "/usr/irissys/dev/Cloud/ICM/changePassword.sh /external/password.txt"

It returned with a container ID and an error message:

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0 1.5K
· Mar 8, 2018
creating a test server

hi, new here, and new to cache and deepsee.

i've been trying to setup a copy of our production server so we can use it for testing/development.

i did a full backup. moved it to the new server. ran the DBREST command. got it to restore but seems like permissions get all messed up. and it just generates a bunch of errors.

is there an easier/better way of doing this?

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