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Bob Kuszewski · Jun 30, 2023

Upcoming InterSystems Container Changes

for an InterSystems container, that’s available as a label, which you can view with the docker inspect command. For example: docker inspect --format '{{ index .Config.Labels
Chip Gore · Apr 24, 2018

How can I programmatically select a row on a zen.TablePane when I only know the row's value

Hi - I'm trying to figure out an elegant way to select a row on a table pane when I don't have an index, but I DO have a value. My page has a typical tablePane
Hieu Dien Nguyen · Aug 23, 2018

Set value to Property's DISPLAYLIST, VALUELIST

possible.If display values are unique, you can build a unique index and use it to translate display value into id. ok, it's helpful, thanks Do you want to get a list of possible
Luis Angel Pérez Ramos · Jul 31

d[IA]gnosis: Vectorizing Diagnostics with Embedded Python and LLM Models

'] = embeddings.tolist() stmt = iris.sql.prepare("UPDATE ENCODER_Object.Codes SET VectorDescription = TO_VECTOR(?,DECIMAL) WHERE CodeId = ?") for index, row
Renato Banzai · Jun 1, 2020

IRIS Python Suite - A Hitchhiker's guide to the ^Global - 1

ingested the data in a format that can be used as a index to merge the globals. e.g: ``#{country_index} is only an example`` ``` ^raw.covid19("countries","{country_index
Evgeny Shvarov · Apr 18

Technology Bonuses for the Vector Search, GenAI and ML Contest

release InterSystems IRIS contains a new technology vector search that allows to build vectors over InterSystems IRIS data and perform search of already indexed vectors. Use it in your
Nimisha Joseph · Dec 19, 2023

##Class(%SQL.Statement).%ExecDirect(,,,) in BPL

="context.PrivilegeFormKey" value="context.Snapshot.Get(&quot;PrivilegeFormKey&quot;)" action="set" xpos='200' ypos='250' > <annotation><![CDATA[aka Index]]><
Norman W. Freeman · Oct 8

How to convert IRIS from 8-bit into Unicode

simple scripts, that order over all globals, and convert in place. Skipping indexes, with full rebuild. I think there were multiple solutions, to this task. You can try to find
Kevin Kindschuh · Apr 16, 2020

Retrieve XDS.b document registered, but not stored in the repository

would then be: HSACCESS -> (Patient Fetches to Edge Gateways, including HSCONSUMER) -> HSCONSUMER -> (Retrieve call to External Repository; likely using https) ->
Graham Uricchio · Apr 4, 2017

Why does my DTL test tool work perfectly but my DTL only half works when used by the process

and the MRN is gone. The assigning authority and ID type are added into the PID but the actual patient MRN is blank (3.1 value). Here is the source code. <transform sourceClass

Filters in DeepSee Dashboards

variable used as "Literal" and of type "Day". I tested that it works in a simple case using Patients in SAMPLES. If you call the pivot variable "myDate", you can use it in a calculated
Andre Cerri · Apr 24, 2017

A couple of questions on HL7/X12 handling

. A good example would be to select a patient ID in a repeating field of no known order. This can be achieved with a small amount of DTL logic, but many developers will break out
Ben Spead · Jul 7, 2021

Try out InterSystems FHIR Transformation Service - we want your feedback

! Hi Ben I would be very happy to participate. I have a number of Patient HL7 Interfaces and a lot of LabTrak Interfaces as well so I will feed a little bit of hands on help
Eduard Lebedyuk · Apr 8, 2019

Should we use computers

. For example, you can automate customer identification from video feeds or monitor patient health using IoT devices and the real-time audio-visual data they produce. New algorithms
Colin Brough · Feb 15, 2023

Comparing code on running servers

is our organisation is very wary of installing any additional code (as Alex suggested) or hooking up something like VS Code, to the live server, which is passing patient information