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Benjamin De Boe · Jan 9, 2020

Hi there, any Query Plans tonight

is the response time. Feedback : What I would love to have from these plans is also a suggestion, how you get in db2 / oracle etc telling us what indexes or improvements in query we can
Evgeny Shvarov · Mar 31, 2018

What Are You Using For Issue Tracking

tracker just adds overhead without any significant benefits compared to index cards. Obviously if you have a large or distributed team you should use something, but again
Benjamin De Boe · Nov 9, 2020

Accent sensitivity and other internationalization issues

, it would help to get a cost-effective, language-independent index, but with a quite correct order. The ICU does suggest standardization (or at least standardized nomenclature
Jenna Poindexter · Feb 5, 2020


Hi I've been working with SQL using an iFind index to search text. Using the %iFind.Highlight function in my SELECT statement I can get text back that highlights the found
Renato Banzai · Jan 30, 2021

Making a blog using Python + IRIS Globals

", with the subscript "post", and the next subscript is the post Id. In this global I put the content of the post and finish! Just this, nothing of create table, index, etc
Rolano Rebelo · Nov 11

EduVerse: Accessible Learning Assistant

: docs = text_splitter.split_documents(docs) initialize_vector_store(docs) By breaking down each document into smaller segments, we ensure that each chunk is indexed and stored
Luis Angel Pérez Ramos · Jul 11, 2023

Installation and adaptation of EMPI in Standalone mode - Feeding the beast with FHIR - Configuration

We return to the attack with our EMPI! In previous articles we have seen how to configure and customize our EMPI, we have seen how we can include new patients in our system
Evgeny Shvarov · Mar 31, 2018

How to Call a Custom Listing in MDX

Japan Onion rinsimilar: >>DRILLTHROUGH SELECT FROM [Patients] %LISTING [Custom SQL listing] # PatientID FavoriteColor 1: SUBJ_100301 Green 2
Fanny Van · May 16, 2018

Collect TrakCare's datas

to the appropriate servers and secondly bear in mind that you are working with sensitive, confidential patient data and that must be respected at all times. Every LabTrak sites
Pavithra Rajamohan · Oct 13, 2020

Advice about HL7 Message creations for repeating loop items

than expected messages as I would expect a message to be triggered for each patient within my response. Do you have any suggestions on where the message generation code should go
Evgeny Shvarov · Dec 24, 2022

Set up Your InterSystems FHIR Server With One Command

/fhir/r4/metadata Also zpm installs the simple UI which is available at: yourserver/fhirUI/FHIRAppDemo.html And you'll see something like this (with patient id=1 entered): How
Keren Skubach · Jan 22

Getting JSON from SQL

(and since this is the default, you can just not add it at all like the first example). Imaging getting all your patient/customer phones in one JSON array without building it: SELECT
Yone Moreno Jimenez · Jan 29

Handling/Removing Unexpected Top-Level XML Tag in SOAP Response

Steve Pisani · Oct 22, 2017

Retrieving the absolute last entry from set of members in a level

average. So it would seem, that I need to differentiate, in the DeepSee index tables, which of the two readings on the last day of the month, is actually the last one.I do not have time
Ashok Kumar · Aug 14, 2023

Generate Method for properties

. The memberType is simply the type of class member - property, index, query, method, parameter - all are types of members that can be defined in a class. What isn't well known