· Jan 15

Using context variable in code block

I need to use a context variable in my code block for the table to query. When I use :content.table, it does not work.  When using the literal, it does.  How do I get the :context to work?

Product version: IRIS 2023.1
Discussion (4)2
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Worked like a charm.  Thank you!

 set tQuery="SELECT ProvId, AllwOpenSchYN, IsAllwSchedYN FROM "_context.EpicClaritySerMycTable_" WHERE ProvId='"_context.ProvId_"' AND Market='"_context.Market_"'"
 set tStatement = ##class(%SQL.Statement).%New()
 set qStatus = tStatement.%Prepare(tQuery)
 set rset = tStatement.%Execute()
 do rset.%Next()
 if rset.%SQLCODE<0 { 
    $$$TRACE("SQL Query ["_tQuery_"] FAILED")
 } else {
    set tAllwOpenSchYN = rset.AllwOpenSchYN
    set tIsAllwSchedYN = rset.IsAllwSchedYN
    set tProvId = rset.ProvId

You should never concatenate query parameters in the query text, instead use placeholders and parameters.

Like this:

 set tQuery="SELECT ProvId, AllwOpenSchYN, IsAllwSchedYN FROM "_context.EpicClaritySerMycTable_" WHERE ProvId=? AND Market=?"
 set tStatement = ##class(%SQL.Statement).%New()
 set qStatus = tStatement.%Prepare(tQuery)
 set rset = tStatement.%Execute(context.ProvId,context.Market)
 do rset.%Next()
 if rset.%SQLCODE<0 { 
    $$$TRACE("SQL Query ["_tQuery_"] FAILED")
 } else {
    set tAllwOpenSchYN = rset.AllwOpenSchYN
    set tIsAllwSchedYN = rset.IsAllwSchedYN
    set tProvId = rset.ProvId

Suggested reading: Dynamic SQL Best Practices