· Aug 29, 2017

Redirect output of Cache write command to Python interpreter


I am experimenting with Cache-Python binding.  In the following piece of Python code

import intersys.pythonbind3

conn = intersys.pythonbind3.connection( )
conn.connect_now('localhost[1972]:SAMPLES', '_SYSTEM', '123', None)
samplesDB = intersys.pythonbind3.database(conn)
p10 = samplesDB.openid("Sample.Person",'10',-1,-1)


I am opening the 10th record of Sample.Person class and then I am calling an object method (PrintPerson). 

Method PrintPerson()


    Write !, "Name: ", ..Name



How can I redirect the output of Write command so that Person's name is printed on Python interpreter ?

I searched a bit on TCP Client/Server communication and specifically the WRITE Command for TCP Devices. I am not sure how I can configure this and where exactly to place call such as

open "|TCP|4":("":4200::$CHAR(3,4)):10
use "|TCP|4"

Could you please write down the exact solution so that I can run a test on my localhost ?

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Hello Athanassios,

I think you're on the right track. But that should be only the beginning.

To capture "writes" from Caché you need to redirect your IO and write the data back to the device you binded your Python interpreter. This is your writer device. If you need help about how to configure your writer device, check the Job Command Example.

Remember that it's your responsibility how you'll implement a buffer and how much it can store before writing it back to the implementer. I do recommend using a stream here.

Now I don't know if simply by calling the binded method you're able to see it's output before returning. If it doesn't, you problably need to open a TCP connection from the implementer's side too and listen to the writer device using a separated thread.

Hi Rubens, the only reason I need this redirection is for sending messages to the Python console for debugging, introspection purposes NOT for sending data. CachePython Query and CachePython Object packages can handle this automatically. Therefore in general I am looking for something simple, like this method Robert wrote above. Alternatively if it's too complicate, I am thinking of opening a stream and write a log there.

Sorry, I saw just that one Print method fromSAMPLES.
The redirect is especially required to convert a Write Command to a Write() Method and vice versa.
For "classic" devices as files , TCP, UDP, all kind of pipes ,SPOOL,Console, Teerminal,...all you find in Caché I/O Device Guide I just see no added value  except fiddling around $P which I never had the need to do over 40yrs

The ouput goes to port 4200. That works with Caché.  (see test code)

Attention:  The ! at the end of the WRITE is important as it triggers the send.
in SAMPLES it is at the beginning:  So you just get an empty line. and rest remains in buffer.
You may also add  WRITE !! before the CLOSE to flush the buffer and send an empty line for termination .

I have no knowledge on Python or PythonConsole but from your code I see no indication
where it starts listening at port 4200. pls. check.

Test code from Caché Terminal:

USER>set tcp="|TCP|4200"
USER>open tcp:(:4200):1 write $s($t:"OK",1:"failed"),!
USER>for line=1:1 use tcp read text use 0 write line,?5,text,!
1    Name: Uhles,Rob O.



[ <READ>  is the reaction to the connection CLOSE of the sender as I don't check termination ]

Hi Robert, thanks for the update, let's try to sort this out in Cache Terminal then. I have added an extra write !! statement before the close tcp. Then I opened a terminal switched to SAMPLES namespace and entered the following commands

    set person = ##class(Samples.Person).%OpenId(1)

    w person.Name

    do person.PrintPersonTCP()

    set tcp="|TCP|4200"

    open tcp:(:4200):1 write $s($t:"OK",1:"failed"),!

The result is OK

But the next line of your code

     for line=1:1 use tcp read text use 0 write line,?5,text,!

just made the cursor blink in the next line without returning anything

Hi  Athanassios,

you can not run the sender code in the same terminal as the receiver code
you have to use 2 terminals:

Terminal #1) start receiver. This simulates your Phyton Console

set tcp="|TCP|4200"
open tcp:(:4200):1 write $s($t:"OK",1:"failed"),!
for line=1:1 use tcp read text use 0 write line,?5,text,!

now you wait for something to be sent:

#Terminal #2): run sender

    set person = ##class(Samples.Person).%OpenId(1)
    w person.Name
    do person.PrintPersonTCP()


for this test it's essential that the sender finds a receiver waiting for input. Probably the same issue with PhytonConsole?

It's like real life: If nobody listens, your words are lost. laugh  And it has to happen at the same time.

Good morning Robert,  based on the piece of code you sent me for a Python TCP socket server I made these SocketReceiver, SocketSender  classes for Python 3 so now it is super easy for anyone to run a simple TCP socket communication test on two Python consoles.

Then I wrote this ClassMethod 

ClassMethod SendMessage(msg As %String = "", port As %Integer)
set tcp="|TCP|"_port
    open tcp:("":port:"PSTE"):1 else  quit
    use tcp
    write msg,!
    write !!
    // close tcp

The only problem here is the 'close tcp' statement that closes the listener which has been set at a Python console and I commented this out  (I am sure there can be a better way). 

Finally I opened two python consoles and successfully tested the whole thing
Case is closed, hope this will be useful for others too, thank you again for your assistance and guidance



I googled some time around Python console:
It  is single threaded.  
But your expectations seem to be that the behavour is like a terminal.

To achieve this your have to run 2 Phyton consoles / shells as you required 2 Terminals.
a) 1 passive to receive messages from WRITE  see attaches example starting before b)
b) 1 active to trigger action in Caché

Your initial code from your questions using the Caché Phyton binding covers b) OK!

for a) you may use a listener similar to this Phyton example with the correct port, buffer,...  ToDo

   1 #!/usr/bin/env python
   3 import socket
   6 TCP_IP = ''
   7 TCP_PORT = 5005
   8 BUFFER_SIZE = 20  # Normally 1024, but we want fast response
  10 s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
  11 s.bind((TCP_IP, TCP_PORT))
  12 s.listen(1)
  14 conn, addr = s.accept()
  15 print 'Connection address:', addr
  16 while 1:
  17     data = conn.recv(BUFFER_SIZE)
  18     if not data: break
  19     print "received data:", data
  20     conn.send(data)  # echo
  21 conn.close()