· Jun 9, 2020

Querying a Cache Table from a Business Rule

After all these years of doing basic Ensemble work, I am just beginning to venture into using Cache Tables instead of either Data Lookup tables, or what I know of Outside SQL tables using JDBC.  I have several Cache SQL tables that I am building for a project I am working on.  

  • I was wondering if it was possible to use a SQL call to look up a value against a Cache SQL table  within a Business Rule? 
  • Or is this something that I would have to build a custom function for? 

Within the Business Rule I need to test to see if a Location value exists within this table, and if it does then process sending it through the DTL onto the Business Operation. 

I could use a Data Lookup table to do this, but do not want to duplicate the process if I don't have too.



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So %Dictionary.CacheClassname would be my table name then?

Well, class name. If you want you can convert table name to class name with:

set:table'["." table=$$$DefaultSchema_"."_table	// support unqualified names
set class = $$$GetClassNameFromIQN(table)

I don't have to use any :sql.... type code for it to do the lookup? 

You can but you don't have to.

What about the existing EXISTS function that already exists that is used for Data Lookup Tables (lut)?

It's a separate function that works only with Data Lookup Table  (which are actually not tables at all).

It appears my first attempt didn't work as expected..

ClassMethod CacheExists(table As %String, index As %String, value As %String) As %Boolean
set:table'["." table=$$$DefaultSchema_"."_table // support unqualified names
set class = $$$GetClassNameFromIQN(table)

quit $classmethod(class, index _ "Exists", value)

ERROR <Ens>ErrBPTerminated: Terminating BP SIU949502CaseRoutingRule # due to error: ERROR <Ens>ErrException: <PROPERTY DOES NOT EXIST>zevaluateRuleDefinition+193 ^osuwmc.CaseSchedulingRoutingRule.1 *osuwmc,EnsLib.HL7.MsgRouter.RoutingEngine -- logged as '-'
number - @'
if (##class(osuwmc.Functions).CacheExists(((pContext.osuwmc)_(pContext.Tecsys)_(pContext.Unit.DataTable)),(pContext.UnitID),(pContext.HL7.GetValueAt("RGSgrp("_(1)_").AIL:LocationResourceID("_(1)_").Facility.NamespaceID")))) {'
> ERROR <Ens>ErrException: <PROPERTY DOES NOT EXIST>zevaluateRuleDefinition+193 ^osuwmc.CaseSchedulingRoutingRule.1 *osuwmc,EnsLib.HL7.MsgRouter.RoutingEngine -- logged as '-'
number - @'
if (##class(osuwmc.Functions).CacheExists(((pContext.osuwmc)_(pContext.Tecsys)_(pContext.Unit.DataTable)),(pContext.UnitID),(pContext.HL7.GetValueAt("RGSgrp("_(1)_").AIL:LocationResourceID("_(1)_").Facility.NamespaceID")))) {'