· Mar 9, 2020

How to create a REST web application using a Installer manifest

Just like the title says, I'm attempting to find a way to create a web application that instead of serving CSP files, it uses a dispatch class.
I searched for clues in the documentation, but the CSPApplication tag seems to be exclusively for CSP file-based applications.

I'm trying to avoid implementing a workaround such as using the Invoke tag to call the Security.Applications to generate the web application but I might be forced to do so, even though it's unpleasant if I had to say...

So, is there an official way to execute this task?

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Invoke is the way to go.

ClassMethod CreateWebApp(pVars, pLogLevel, tInstaller) As %Status
    Set Namespace=tInstaller.Evaluate("${Namespace}")
    Do tInstaller.PushNS("%SYS")
    Do ##class(Security.System).GetInstallationSecuritySetting(.security)
    If (security="None") {
        Set cspProperties("AutheEnabled") = $$$AutheUnauthenticated
    } Else {
        Set cspProperties("AutheEnabled") = $$$AutheCache // Password
    Set cspProperties("NameSpace") = Namespace
    Set cspProperties("IsNameSpaceDefault") = $$$YES
    Set cspProperties("DispatchClass") = "MDX2JSON.REST"
        Set cspProperties("UseCookies") = $$$YES
    Set tSC = ##class(Security.Applications).Create("/"_Namespace, .cspProperties)
    Do tInstaller.PopNS()
    If $$$ISERR(tSC) Throw ##class(%Installer.Exception).CreateFromStatus(tSC)
    Quit $$$OK

And invoke with

<RunInstall Class="MDX2JSON.Installer" Method="CreateWebApp"/>

I might have to check the IRIS version, because my Caché 2018 doesn't have any traces of the DispatchClass configuration.

Method CSPApplication(
pUrl As %String,
pNamespace As %String,
pDescription As %String,
pDirectory As %String,
pResource As %String,
pRecurse As %String,
pLoginClass As %String,
pGrant As %String,
pCookiePath As %String,
pAuthMethods As %Integer,
pLockCSPName As %Boolean,
pEventClass As %String,
pDefaultTimeout As %Integer,
pDefaultSuperclass As %String,
pUseSessionCookie As %Integer,
pServeFiles As %Boolean,
pServeFilesTimeout As %Integer,
pCustomErrorPage As %String,
pPackageName As %String,
pChangePasswordPage As %String,
pGroupById As %String = "",
pCspZenEnabled As %Boolean = 1,
pInboundWebServicesEnabled As %Boolean = 1,
pTwoFactorEnabled As %Boolean = 0,
pIsNameSpaceDefault As %Boolean = 0,
pPermittedClasses As %String = "",
pAutoCompile As %Boolean = 1) [ Internal ]

Can I use the ZPM client like a standalone the same way it works when using the %Installer manifest? Bu that I mean, just calling the ZPM to parse the manifest and install it without relying on the registry and the CLI for now, because all the code I want to import is already local, I just need to create a web application that uses the DispatchClass property.