· Jan 13, 2020 1m read

Difference between while and for

While and for are pretty similar, but sometimes you need to do a not recommended thing - change cycle boundaries.

In this situation while and for are different. For calculates boundaries once per run and while calculates boundaries on every iteration.

Consider this code sample:

set x = 5
for i=1:1:x {
     write "i: ", i,", x: ", x,!
     set x = x+1

You'll get this output:

i: 1, x: 5
i: 2, x: 6
i: 3, x: 7
i: 4, x: 8
i: 5, x: 9

Compare to while cycle:

set i = 1
set x = 5
while (i<=x) {
    write "i: ", i,", x: ", x,!
    set x = x+1
    set i = i+1

The output is infinite:

i: 1, x: 5
i: 2, x: 6
i: 3, x: 7
i: 4, x: 8
i: 5, x: 9
i: 6, x: 10
i: 7, x: 11
i: 8, x: 12
i: 9, x: 13
i: 10, x: 14

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I see !
And can confirm that this is by design (and ANSI definition) built like a routine call by value.
And you have no chance for a pass by reference.  [ somehow   for i=1:1:.x ]

Funny enough I remember a related discussion when I implemented that piece of  M_interpreter  almost 40 yrs ago (pre Caché in MACRO32)
And the result was: If someone wants a dynamic ended loop he should use the unlimited variant and QUIT it when done.
(WHILE was unknown in the standard definition of '78) 

And for reason of backward compatibility, no one ever tried to change it.