· Sep 6, 2017

Can you call something that is non-interactive that will clean out any globals in ^CacheTempUser.* ?

These Globals are usually cleared out as part of the startup/shutdown processes. If your server never reboots how would you clean these out?

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of course it makes sense!

but then you know which application is using it and can use the application's cleaning method / routine that takes care of all kind of dependencies:
I remember well times when routines used to start with  KILL ^CacheTemp*($JOB)
I expected over time most applications are using PPG  (^||myGlobal...) to avoid this. Or have a Clean-Up.

I remember well times when routines used to start with  KILL ^CacheTemp*($JOB)

Our developers do the same, but modern versions of OSs usually have 6 digit PIDs, so it may take several days till PIDs would re-cycle their numbers.

PPGs are used, however sometimes they are not applicable, e.g. when information is passed between processes via temp globals.

Clean-up is a good idea, but can be fully implemented when (and only when) all app classes use the same before-exit-processing code, i.e. the app is always finish through one exit point. Sometimes it's difficult to achieve, while it's worth to.

A while ago I thought about some enhancements of my purging task:

  • automatic detection of too quick growing globals
  • automatic detection of globals which belong to its scope, i.e. have @name@(PID) format.

 Maybe I do it when have some spare time... the priority of this work is rather medium.