· Oct 10, 2022

Meet the Global Masters Winners for September 2022!

It's time to announce the Winners for September 2022! Please welcome our awesome Global Masters Heroes!

The storm of applause goes to these developers and their great contribution to DC in September 2022:

🥇 @Dmitriy Maslennikov, Co-founder, CTO and Developer Advocate, CaretDev Corp, UAE

🥈 @José Roberto Pereira, Business Intelligence Analyst at Shift Consultoria e Sistemas LTDA, Brazil

🥉 @Robert Cemperex Senior Sales Engineer from InterSystems, Austria

 Learn more about the competition and our awesome winners below.  

About @Dmitriy Maslennikov

  • 📝 3 articles and 23 comments on DC
  • 💻 2 OEX applications
  • 🎓 3 accepted answers  
  • 🏅 Gold Open Exchange Developer badge for 25 applications on OEX

Congratulations, Dmitriy! 🌟

"For the last 15 years, changed several companies, working in different sectors, with different sizes of projects, and even in different countries. But always stayed with InterSystems. Participant of several latest InterSystems Global Summits in a row and some other events in Europe, as well as a speaker sometime. Author of VSCode extension for ObjectScript, and few other open-source projects.

And now Co-founder and CTO at CaretDev Corporation, where now I am able to use my knowledge and experience to help companies working with InterSystems technologies to become more powerful and productive."

🔗Connect with Dmitry now to boost your network:

About @José Roberto Pereira,

  • 📝 17 posts on DC
  • 💻 2 OEX applications
  • 🎓 3 accepted answers  
  • 🏅 Influencer badge for 25 articles on DC

Congratulations, José! 🌟

José’s been working with information technologies for +15 years (JS ecosystem, Java, InterSystems, Python, etc.) and for +10 years with InterSystems technologies (Caché/IRIS, CSP, ZEN, DeepSee).
He’s a fullstack developer, currently working with Business Intelligence, following the AI/ML learning track.
"I’m 38 years old, Brazilian. I love programming since 16 years old. My hobbies are programming, swimming and houseplants."

About Shift Consultoria e Sistemas LTDA

  • Shift LIS: Complete laboratory information software that gives the laboratory the guarantee of using the best processes on the market.
  • Shift BI: Allows laboratories to make decisions based on data, through KPIs, charts and reports integrated to our LIS.
  • Shift Controller: Fully management of administrative routines of the laboratory, with the difference of having a system that incorporates all the peculiarities of the segment.
  • Shift Atendimento: A queue management system solution for care management and integrated with Shift LIS, optimizes the patient’s call logistics, making it possible to know the efficiency of each step of care.
  • Shift Automação: Integrate your laboratory information system to laboratory devices from various manufacturers, ensuring speed and security in analysis and test results.
  • Laboratory consulting services

🔗 Connect with José now to boost your network!

About @Robert Cemper  

Congratulations, Robert!  🌟

Robert C. Cemper is an ex Senior Sales Engineer from InterSystems in Darmstadt. He has been 45 years in this profession and worked for more than 12 years directly for InterSystems. Personal mission statement: "For an engineer ‘IMPOSSIBLE’ doesn’t exist"

Read the complete and inspiring Robert's bio in this post.

🔗Connect with Robert on Developer Community now to boost your network!

Thanks to all the winners for your constant great contribution to InterSystems Developer Community! 

Let's congratulate our Heroes in the comments below!

About Global Master of the Month competition on Global Masters Advocate Hub: we nominate advocates every month who have gone the extra mile by being highly engaged in the Global Masters and Developer Community. Winners get 1000 points and a special badge. We also offer for winners to publish their bio – now in the article on the Developer Community! 

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