· Dec 24, 2020 2m read

iris-analytics-package in action!

Hi everyone,

It's the bottom of the 9th inning, but I have a few more plays to make in our technical World Series laugh

The iris-analytics-package has the intention to demonstrate how easy and simple companies can take advantage of InterSystems Analytics support in their software.

Whether creating new simple solutions or even using OpenExchange to improve existing ones.

Most of the companies that are upgrading to InterSystems IRIS are taking advantage of all the capabilities that the tool offers; they know the cutting-edge technologies, they are ahead.

My approach in this contest has a different target, the companies that are using InterSystems for so long but still not using the full potential they have access to.

This project was created using other projects as a base and inspiration. Thanks to @Evgeny Shvarov @Guillaume Rongier @Peter Steiwer 

Those projects together became this humble wizard.

Import Wizard

The main page looks simples, and the process involved is straightforward.

There a few fields to use the Wizard properly:

  1. Choose your CSV file
  2. Separator
  3. Class Name
  4. Choose if you want to create a Cube or not
  5. Cube Name
  6. Choose if the wizard should create dashboard samples

To visualize what you create, we use the DeepSeeWeb for this.


The gif below shows the whole process. After the upload button was clicked, The gif could look frozen, but it's because we have many records there.

The selected CSV file has more than 15Mb, and import 134.100 registers!

 By the way, the dataset for this demo came from The Humanitarian Data Exchange - Find, share and use humanitarian data all in one place

You can try to use the same dataset; the CSV file is inside the folder


If you liked the app and think I deserve your vote, please vote for iris-analytics-package!

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