InterSystems Official
· Apr 5, 2019

InterSystems IRIS Community Edition Now Available On The Docker Store

Hi Community!

We're pleased to announce that that InterSystems IRIS Community Edition is available on the Docker Store! InterSystems IRIS Community Edition is the no-cost developer edition designed to lower the barriers to entry to get started with IRIS. Now that it is listed on the Docker Store, running an IRIS Community instance is as easy as -

docker run -d -p 52773:52773 store/intersystems/iris:2019.1.0.511.0-community


For more on running IRIS in containers check out our Documentation or one of the many Community posts on the topic!


Discussion (14)2
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There's a section about Community Edition limitations in the document at

Here's a screenshot of what it currently says:

A big disappointment for me is the exclusion of namespace mapping. Those of us who create tools for the InterSystems world commonly use namespace mapping to make our tools available in the users' namespaces. See Evgeny's article here

I notice that your mappings get code from ENSLIB

My use-case is a bit different.

Can you create a new database and namespace pair called XYZ and then define a %ALL mapping so that the globals ^XYZ and the routines XYZ* and the package XYZ get fetched from your XYZ namespace from all other namespaces, e.g. USER ?

I'd expect mappings to ENSLIB to work, otherwise the "Ensemble" features of IRIS would be broken in Community Edition.

It seems to me that those are allowed but mappings we define to our own databases get ignored.

This is a restriction in the Community Edition and it is what is meant by

All InterSystems IRIS functionality is included except the following:

You can create mappings and activate configurations which contain mappings if that is useful for some purpose (eg. building a configuration for someone else) however all mappings which do not involve a system database are ignored.