Charset or encoding to access Caché terminal through Powershell
is anyone using Powershell to access Caché terminal in non-english systems?
I'm trying to access using: csession INSTANCE
But from the beginning it fails to represent spanish characters like ñ,...
It doesn't recognize up-down cursor keys to see previous commands...
Any idea?
CHCP 65001
in the beginning of your script.
Also you need to check that your console font has required symbols.
Almost worked... I got the right symbol in login, but, once within the terminal special characters are not recognized.
Up and Down keys are still not recognized.
Is that a production instance?
Is that 8bit or Unicode instance?
What I/O tables NLS routine shows? (Note that modifying locales/defaults can be potentially application-breaking change so do it only if you know what you're doing)
zn "%SYS" do ^NLS 1) Display current locale 2) Select defaults 3) Change locale 4) Display loaded settings 5) Advanced NLS option? 2 1) Internal tables 2) I/O tables 3) CSP files 4) Date, time and number formats Category of defaults? 2 Items marked with (*) represent the locale's original default I/O table Current default --------------------- -------------------- 1) Process RAW (*) 2) Cache Terminal UTF8 (*) 3) Other terminal UTF8 (*) 4) File UTF8 (*) 5) Magtape UTF8 (*) 6) TCP/IP RAW (*) 7) System call RAW (*) 8) Printer CP1251 (*)
OK. We're improving a bit.
I've changed Cache Terminal to CP850 which is the code page that Windows Powershell uses by default:
Now, any idea how could I make up-down keys work so to see the commands' history? Also, as Robert C. also mentioned… it seems that Ctrl-C quits not only from the command/function in execution but from Caché Terminal itself...
I don't think it's possible.
You can spawn cterm from powershell with
ccontrol cterminal ENSEMBLE
interesting observation with CHPC 65001:
a loop USER>for i=1:1:255 write i," ",$c(i),! stops the session with any character > $c(127).
I'd suggest forget that M$ crap.
Use Putty or any thing else.
Cache for Windows (x86-64) 2018.1.1 (Build 312U) Thu Jan 3 2019 14:34:00 EST