· Dec 27, 2018

Pattern matching with '*' and '?'

I have an in-memory list of items and I want to check which items match my pattern string.

Pattern string is a comma-separated list of items and special symbols like '*' and maybe '?'.

There's something similar in $system.OBJ.Compile, it accepts patterns: "*.data.*,Sample.*" -  and it would compile 'Sample' package and all 'data' packages.

For example:

set list=$lb("abc", "c", "aaa", "bbb")
set result = ..match(list, "a*,*b")
zw result
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If someone is interested, here's the same code but as a class:

/// Utility to match input against comma-separated string of masks.
Class util.Matcher

/// Returns $$$YES if input matches at least one element from the list
/// input - string to match
/// list - comma separated list of masks containig * and ?
/// write ##class(util.Matcher).MatchOr()
ClassMethod MatchOr(input As %String, list As %String) As %Boolean
    set ok = $$$NO
    for pie=1:1:$L(list,",") {
        set mask=$P(list,",",pie)
        if mask'="",..Match(input,mask) {
            set ok = $$$YES
    quit ok

/// Returns $$$YES if input matches all elements from the list
/// input - string to match
/// list - comma separated list of masks containig * and ?
/// write ##class(util.Matcher).MatchAnd()
ClassMethod MatchAnd(input As %String, list As %String) As %Boolean
    set ok = $$$YES
    for pie=1:1:$L(list,",") {
        set mask=$P(list,",",pie)
        if mask'="",'..Match(input,mask) {
            set ok = $$$NO
     quit ok

/// Returns $$$YES if input matches the mask
/// write ##class(util.Matcher).Match()
ClassMethod Match(input As %String, mask As %String) As %Boolean [ CodeMode = expression ]

/// Translate mask into a pattern
/// write ##class(util.Matcher).MaskToPattern()
ClassMethod MaskToPattern(mask As %String) As %String
    set pattern = ""
    set char = ""
    for pos = 1:1:$length(mask) {
        set curChar = $extract(mask, pos)
        if curChar = "*" {
            set pattern = pattern _ $select(char="":"", 1:"1"""_char_"""") _ ".E"
            set char = ""
        } elseif curChar = "?" {
            set pattern = pattern _ $select(char="":"", 1:"1"""_char_"""") _ "1E"
            set char = ""
        } else {
            set char = char _ curChar
    set pattern = pattern _ $select(char="":"", 1:"1"""_char_"""")
    quit pattern


As you know for sure, pattern can be assign to variable:

 set list=$lb("abc", "c", "aaa", "bbb")
 set result = $$patmatch(list, "1(1(1.""a"".E),1(.E1.""b""))")
 ;set result = ..match(list, "a*,*b")
 zw result // result=$lb("abc","aaa","bbb")

patmatch(pList, pPat)
 new result,set result=""
 for i=1:1:$ll(pList) if $lg(pList,i)?@pPat set result=result_$lb($lg(pList,i))
 quit result

Just some hints. I wrote a few helper functions for similar purposes.

MaskToPattern(mask,sw) ; mask with * and ? -> M pattern
 ; $$MaskToPattern^Idea.System.ZIF("ABC?D*") -> 1"ABC"1E1"D".E
 ; sw .. used for contains test (.E on both ends) : $$MaskToPattern^Idea.System.ZIF("ABC?D",1) -> .E1"ABC"1E1"D".E


MATCH(input,mask) ; matches input string against search mask

-> $$MATCH^Idea.System.ZIF("CSVZ","CST*")=0, $$MATCH^Idea.System.ZIF("CSVZ","CSV*")=1
MATCHOR(input,masklist) ; matches input string against list of search masks with OR condition (at least one)

-> $$MATCH^Idea.System.ZIF("CSVZ","CSV*,PF*")=1
MATCHAND(input,masklist) ; matches input string against list of search masks with AND condition (all must fit)

-> $$MATCH^Idea.System.ZIF("CSVZ","CSV*,PF*")=0

My implementation :

 MaskToPattern(mask,sw) pattern,char,pos pattern="",char="" pos=1:1:$L(mask) D
 . $E(mask,pos)="*" pattern=pattern_$S(char="":"",1:"1"""_char_"""")_".E",char="" Q
 . $E(mask,pos)="?" pattern=pattern_$S(char="":"",1:"1"""_char_"""")_"1E",char="" Q
 . char=char_$E(mask,pos)
 pattern=pattern_$S(char="":"",1:"1"""_char_""""),char="" S:$G(sw) pattern=".E"_pattern_".E"

MATCH(input,mask) input?@$$MaskToPattern^Idea.System.ZIF(mask)
MATCHOR(input,list) ok,pie,mask ok=0 pie=1:1:$L(list,",") mask=$P(list,",",pie) mask'="",$$MATCH^Idea.System.ZIF(input,mask) ok=1 Q
MATCHAND(input,list) ok,pie,mask ok=1 pie=1:1:$L(list,",") mask=$P(list,",",pie) mask'="",'$$MATCH^Idea.System.ZIF(input,mask) ok=0 Q

It sounds like you want to do pattern matching, but for some reason you don't want to use ObjectScript pattern match syntax for your mask. So you've decided that you want to use * for "any number of any character" and ? for "a single character" which are pretty common.

Remember that ObjectScript also has the $match Regex function. So your match() method could use that syntax for the search mask and you wouldn't have to write any code to change * into .E and ? into 1E and you'd get the benefit of additional options offered by $match.