· Jun 14, 2017

SQL Query for Range


I have a question related to running an SQL query for range of data.

I am running a query like:

Select A,B from table_name where A>=12345 AND A<=12390

 - Where A and B are my two of the properties under the mentioned table/class definition

- A is an integer property

 Question: The result of the above query does not return me all the values between the mentioned range of integer though I do have all the values in that range. I see that some of the values are missing in result.

Any reason why this query won't work?

Any ideas?



Discussion (9)3
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Then it definitely sounds like you need to rebuild indices. After doing that, please test again without %IGNOREINDICES and let us know if the results are correct. Then test again after your application has updated records for a while. If the difference appears again, either there's a bug that InterSystems needs to know about, or perhaps your app is updating globals directly using COS commands (i.e. not via Objects or SQL).

What is your $ZVERSION value? Perhaps you are running a version with a known problem in the area of index maintenance.


Two thoughts.. 

Firstly, you say A is defined as Integer - my experience shows, in cases where the data is seen as a "string" using ".. A>=12345*1 and A<=12390*1.." will ensure the 'numeric' values are used so a 'numeric' rather than 'character' comparison is performed 
Second, adding " order by A*1" on the end of the query will ensure that you see the list in actual numerically sorted order and unlikely to miss some values

Just a thought..
