Try to open following URL in browser on the machine where the Atelier is installed:


What does it return?

Check in web applications settings that /api/atelier is enabled.

Check in System Dashboard that you have enough license units.

UPD: I modified URL to http://server:57772/api/atelier/


803U means that installation is Unicode.

1) What locale do you have? You can check it in Management Portal -> System Administration -> Configuration -> National Language Settings -> Locale Definitions.

2) Please double-check that file is indeed in UTF-8 format.

3) Can you reproduce this problem with small file?
For example, create small text file with just three symbols: ščž
Save it in UTF-8
And read it as above in my example. Does it work?


we need much more details.

What exactly did you tried? How do you import data? What's the source of the data? What do you mean by "nothing works"?

What version of Caché do you have (exact $zv)? What locale this instance have?

I have no problems importing this data from UTF-8 file.

USER>set f = ##class(%Stream.FileCharacter).%New()

USER>write f.LinkToFile("c:\temp\demo.txt")
USER>set line = f.Read()

USER>write line

You don't need to set DSTIME parameter in the secondary class.

However, OBJ.DSTIME and SynchronizeCube does not see changes in objects of secondary class.

That is the case mentioned as

The changed record is not in the extent of the base class used by the cube.

in documentation (

For example, let's say that you have cube Person based on Sample.Person class.

And that class Sample.Person has property Job that references persistent class Sample.Company.

If you just modify object of Sample.Company as follows:

set p = ##class(Sample.Company).%OpenId(100)
set p.Name = "New Company Name"
write p.%Save()

Then this change will not be seen by SynchronizeCube and you'll need to update cube manually:

Adding DSTIME parameter to the Sample.Company does not help as original cube Person is not based on this class.

Hi Ponnumani.

You cannot run class itself in Caché. You can run some classmethod of this class.

For example from terminal you can run classmethod 'PrintPersons' of class Sample.Person as follows:

USER>zn "samples"

SAMPLES>do ##class(Sample.Person).PrintPersons()

Name: Klein,Agnes E.
Name: Willeke,Imelda R.
Name: Vanzetti,Rhonda Y.

I encourage you to read "Caché Programming Orientation Guide".

Particularly it contains information on how you can use terminal to test your programs:


if you are using Studio for the first time, why did you start with copying system class?

Class Security.Users is in 'deployed mode'. You can see properties and method's headers, but you cannot see code behind the methods. The class that you copied Security.Users to -- UCDavis.Security.Users -- now is also in deployed mode.

More info about deployed mode:

Please tell us, what is the end goal, that you are trying to achieve? Why do you need to copy Security.Users?

Thank you,