To echo what Tom said, this is becoming more and more critical for me as well.  I really don't have time to click a link every time I get a Community update in order to see if its something I am interested in (or can contribute to) or not.  

I also agree with the removal of the decoration, etc.  Just the content with a link to the thread at the bottom of the email please.

Thank you both!

Derek - Your second solution doesn't compile for some reason (that was my next try after I saw that > didn't work).  Your first solution is what I had (temporarily) settled for but it put the > on a new line so it was really ugly in the source (and I wasn't sure if line breaks in CSS selectors was valid)

Fabian - your solution works very nicely, thank you!!

Note - I found a really cool feature in the latest version of Caché:

So I could use a marker of &html[<my text here>] and it should work because a single > will not a an ending bracket.  

However, I am currently stuck on Caché 2012.2.  Does anyone know a way to do this on an older version?