New builds with an extended key are now available from the InterSystems Container Registry. You can pull the new images as follows:

docker pull

docker pull

docker pull

docker pull

Hi Otto,

This appears to be a typo.  I've modified the marketplace listing and republished, which could take a few days to get approved. 

However, since this is a BYOL instance, once deployed it will just give you a VM which contains the IRIS for Health image, but no running container. The '1971' typo means that port 1971 is open to the VM in the firewall, but IRIS does not (yet) have any SuperServer port defined since it is not running. You could either start IRIS on 1971, or you could add a new firewall rule in GCP to open up port 1972 instead, in the meantime.



Hi David, yes I believe you'll need to contact the WRC to make sure that your email/login is linked to a supported organization, as that's required in order to access non-community images in the registry. You can contact and they can help straighten this out for you.

If you are otherwise intending to access Community Edition images, you shouldn't need to log in at all.

As I understand, this functionality (as well as the ability to use default image tags such as 'openjdk' vs '/store/intersystems/...') is only available for Official Images ( that are published by Docker.  We are a verified publisher, and our images are Docker certified, but they are not published and maintained by Docker.

The Community Edition images for IRIS and IRIS for Health are now available in the Docker Store.  And we now offer the Community Edition for both x64 and ARM64 architectures. Try them out!

InterSystems IRIS:

docker pull store/intersystems/iris-community:2020.
docker pull store/intersystems/iris-community-arm64:2020.

InterSystems IRIS for Health:

docker pull store/intersystems/irishealth-community:2020. 
docker pull store/intersystems/irishealth-community-arm64:2020.

Hi Dmitriy,

Support for ARM64 architectures will initially be limited to Ubuntu-based containers only. I hope to have a preview image of InterSystems IRIS 2020.1 for ARM64 published in the AWS marketplace this week. This should run on the AWS Graviton based A1 instances now, and the M6g instances once they are generally available.

