calling Method from ClassMethod

This is the problem. A Method needs to be called in the context of an instantiated object. A ClassMethod by definition isn't associated with an instantiated object.

If it's necessary to do it this way, your ClassMethod could use %New() to instantiate an object and then call the Method on that object:

set myObj = ##class(My.Object.Class).%New()
set tSC=myObj.myMethod()

But, it looks like you're working with a Business Service class. For that, it isn't enough to simply use %New(). You need to use Ens.Director::CreateBusinessService to instantiate the object before calling the Method.

How about polling the global looking for updates? It would be lightweight to just check if the value of ^FSLOG has incremented since the last check:

set lastFSEntry = ^FSLOG

or use $order:

set lastFSEntry = $order(^FSLOG(""),-1)

As for timestamps, in my test environment all of the ^FSLOG entries seem to end with timestamps already:

^FSLOG(41)="DispatchRequest^HS.FHIRServer.Service^11062|Msg|  [1] -> DO  0|03/14/2022 01:57:19.398158PM"


The method for transforming HL7 to SDA can be found here. Note that this doc covers transforming HL7>SDA>C-CDA, so you'll only be interested in the first half of that:

And the methods for transforming SDA to FHIR can be found here:


I created a simple inbound adapter and a simple business service that uses it, and the &sql() call succeeds for me. It would be good to check the event log and see if any additional error information got logged.

Class Example.InboundAdapter Extends Ens.InboundAdapter [ ProcedureBlock ]

Method OnTask() As %Status
        set suspendedCount=-1
        &sql(SELECT count(ID) into :suspendedCount FROM Ens.MessageHeader where TargetQueueName not like '_S%' and TargetQueueName not like 'ENS%' and Status='5')
        // log what we got back
        set ^ztest($now(),"SQLCODE") = SQLCODE
        set ^ztest($now(),"suspendedCount") = suspendedCount
        quit 1

Class Example.Service Extends Ens.BusinessService

/// The type of adapter used to communicate with external systems
Parameter ADAPTER = "Example.InboundAdapter";


Yep, RawContent is potentially truncated and isn't meant for accessing the full message.

You can use the OutputTo* methods to get the whole message. OutputToLibraryStream is going to be the best option because a stream object can be of unlimited size. OutputToString will work, but only for messages that are smaller than the maximum string size (around 3 megabytes, assuming you have long strings enabled in the Caché config. If not, then 32k).

You can use the %Dictionary classes to get details of the class and methods:

USER>do $System.SQL.Shell()
SQL Command Line Shell
The command prefix is currently set to: <<nothing>>.
Enter <command>, 'q' to quit, '?' for help.
[SQL]USER>>SELECT FormalSpec FROM %Dictionary.MethodDefinition WHERE parent='My.Test.Class' AND Name='TestMethod'
1.      SELECT FormalSpec FROM %Dictionary.MethodDefinition WHERE parent='My.Test.Class' AND Name='TestMethod'
1 Rows(s) Affected
statement prepare time(s)/globals/cmds/disk: 0.0033s/321/1482/0ms
          execute time(s)/globals/cmds/disk: 0.0006s/3/385/0ms
                          cached query class: %sqlcq.USER.cls14

I'll be interested to see others' thoughts on this as well, but one approach is:

  • Create a new empty database for the globals
  • Use GBLOCKCOPY or MERGE to copy each of the globals from the current DB to the new globals DB. I believe GBLOCKCOPY is faster than MERGE.
  • After they are copied/merged to the new DB kill the globals in the currrent DB. This then becomes your routines DB.

Or you can do the opposite and export all of your routines from the current DB, import them into a new routines DB, then delete them from the current DB which becomes your globals DB. This would be faster than the first approach unless your globals are really small.