Thank you very much Julie, your sample is exactly what I was looking for the only thing I need to add is some headings and information that I need to display at the top or the spreadsheet so I guess for that I can use Attributes!? And I also notice that elements aren’t widely supported in other formats ( pdf) and html tags aren’t supported in xlsx.


I clicked on save as where only two options to save as .zip or all files, so I picked all files and forced .xls extension but the generated file is all over the place.

the purpose of this project is to all the user to view a spreadsheet when clicking the "View Excel Format" or prompt the user to open the generated spreadsheet in downloads, and using Generate method maybe better in my case, so how can I send the generated file to open up in in the browser?

I've seen a sample that uses GenerateReport() but that save a file in a pre-defined path but then I would like to instead send the generated file to the browser for the user to view it, any suggestions?


Ok if you try exporting and opening a Zen report to Excel in a machine that doesn't have MS excel installed you want to be able to open the exported file.

With Crystal reports for example there a runtime EXE that you can install that have all required DLLs and files that allow the user to view a crystal report without having to install the full version of Crystal (see this link for more info:

So I'm asking if there is a Runtime EXE for excel or MS Office that I can install to allow users to open & view the generated .csv report?


It did work for me when I set the    DEFAULTMODE ="pdf" but didn't with   DEFAULTMODE ="xlsx", I think because the server doesn't have MS office, is there an Excel runtime utility that I can install? 

the other problem is that in all my zen reports the data are presented in a datagrid and changing the defaultmode ='"xlsx" will result in out of whack result (see for example the sample ZENReports.PageLayouts and try to change the defaultmode to xlsx and you will what I mean).
