@Eduard Lebedyuk I have tried your suggestions and still get the error when opening the file with adobe reader. If I try on a simple pass through operation like this below everything works fine.

ERROR: Adobe acrobat reader could not open file.pdf because it is either not a supported file type or because the file has been damaged.

the service

Method OnProcessInput(pInput As %Stream.Object, Output pOutput As %RegisteredObject) As %Status
#dim pt as TestingEnvironment.ECGTrace.TEST.FSMREQ=##class(TestingEnvironment.ECGTrace.TEST.FSMREQ).%New()
  Set tSource=pInput.Attributes("Filename"), pInput=$zobjclassmethod(..#CONTAINERCLASS,"%New",pInput)
 Set tSC=..resolveAndIndex(pInput) Quit:$$$ISERR(tSC) tSC
 set pt.filestream=pInput
 set pt.path=tSource
 Set tWorkArchive=(""'=..Adapter.ArchivePath)&&(..Adapter.ArchivePath=..Adapter.WorkPath || (""=..Adapter.WorkPath && (..Adapter.ArchivePath=..Adapter.FilePath)))
 For iTarget=1:1:$L(..TargetConfigNames, ",") { Set tOneTarget=$ZStrip($P(..TargetConfigNames,",",iTarget),"<>W")  Continue:""=tOneTarget
  $$$sysTRACE("Sending input Stream "_pInput.Stream_"("_pInput.Stream.Size_")"_$S(tWorkArchive:" Async",1:" Sync")_" from '"_tSource_"' to '"_tOneTarget_"'")
  If tWorkArchive {
   Set tSC1=..SendRequestAsync(tOneTarget,pt)  Set:$$$ISERR(tSC1) tSC=$$$ADDSC(tSC,tSC1)
   //Set tSC1=..SendRequestAsync(tOneTarget,pInput)  Set:$$$ISERR(tSC1) tSC=$$$ADDSC(tSC,tSC1)
  } Else {
   #; If not archiving send Sync to avoid Adapter deleting file before Operation gets it
   //Set tSC1=..SendRequestSync(tOneTarget,pInput)  Set:$$$ISERR(tSC1) tSC=$$$ADDSC(tSC,tSC1)
   Set tSC1=..SendRequestSync(tOneTarget,pt)  Set:$$$ISERR(tSC1) tSC=$$$ADDSC(tSC,tSC1)
 Quit tSC

the operation

Method OnMessage(pREs As TestingEnvironment.ECGTrace.TEST.FSMREQ, pRequest As Ens.StreamContainer, Output pResponse As %Persistent) As %Status
 set pRequest=pREs.filestream
 Quit:'$IsObject(pRequest.Stream) $$$ERROR($$$EnsErrGeneral,"No Stream contained in StreamContainer Request")
 Set tFilename=..Adapter.CreateTimestamp(##class(%File).GetFilename(pRequest.OriginalFilename),..Filename)
 Set tSC=..Adapter.PutStream(tFilename, pRequest.Stream)
 Do pRequest.%Save() ; re-save in case PutStream() optimization changed the Stream filename
 Quit tSC

my code the service

Method OnProcessInput(pInput As %Stream.Object, Output pOutput As %RegisteredObject) As %Status
 #dim meta as DocumentUpload.GenericUploadMREQ=##class(DocumentUpload.GenericUploadMREQ).%New()
   ;get the filepath from the request 
   ;;wrap the stream object into container for easy transpotation
    Set tFileName=pInput.Attributes("Filename") , pInput=$zobjclassmethod(..#CONTAINERCLASS,"%New",pInput)
 ;get the file name
    set dataPiece=##class(%File).GetFilename(tFileName)
      Set tSC=..resolveAndIndex(pInput) Quit:$$$ISERR(tSC) tSC
      ;check if the file path data is populated
 if (dataPiece'="")
    ;build the ECG Message
          set meta.ClientID =$Piece(dataPiece,"_",1) 
          set meta.LastName=$Piece(dataPiece,"_",2)
          set meta.FirstName=$Piece(dataPiece,"_",3)
          set meta.DateOfBirth=$Piece(dataPiece,"_",4)
          set meta.Directory =$Piece(tFileName,"\",*-1)
          set meta.OGFileName  =dataPiece
          set meta.Fullpath  =tFileName
          ;get the date to testing
          set DateOfTest=$Piece(dataPiece,"_",5)
          ;get the time of testing
          set mtim=$Piece(dataPiece,"_",6)
          ;separate the extension of the file path and the time
          set TimeOfTest=$Piece(mtim,".",1)
          set meta.FileTimeStamp =DateOfTest_""_TimeOfTest
          set meta.recordAdded =$ZDT($ZTIMESTAMP,3,1,3)
          set meta.TargetConfig ="RIO.DocumentUpload.RiOFileOPRN"
          set meta.payLoad=pInput
          set meta.DocumentType=..DocumentType
       set meta.Description=..Description
       set meta.Title=..Title
       set meta.FinalRevision=..Revesion
       set meta.Author=..Author_""_$Piece(tFileName,"\",*-1)
       set messagetype=$PIECE(..Author," ",1)
       set meta.UserId=..UserID
          set meta.sourceConfig =tFileName
          set meta.TypeMes=messagetype
          Set tWorkArchive=(""'=..Adapter.ArchivePath)&&(..Adapter.ArchivePath=..Adapter.WorkPath || (""=..Adapter.WorkPath && (..Adapter.ArchivePath=..Adapter.FilePath)))
 For iTarget=1:1:$L(..TargetConfigNames, ",") { Set tOneTarget=$ZStrip($P(..TargetConfigNames,",",iTarget),"<>W")  Continue:""=tOneTarget
  $$$sysTRACE("Sending input Stream "_pInput.Stream_"("_pInput.Stream.Size_")"_$S(tWorkArchive:" Async",1:" Sync")_" from '"_tFileName_"' to '"_tOneTarget_"'")
  If tWorkArchive {
   Set tSC1=..SendRequestAsync(tOneTarget,meta)  Set:$$$ISERR(tSC1) tSC=$$$ADDSC(tSC,tSC1)
  } Else {
   #; If not archiving send Sync to avoid Adapter deleting file before Operation gets it
   Set tSC1=..SendRequestSync(tOneTarget,meta)  Set:$$$ISERR(tSC1) tSC=$$$ADDSC(tSC,tSC1)
            quit tSC

the operation please note I have a Route in between which simple transformers the message to the message expected by the operation its just a simple mapping scenario

Method WriteOutFiles(pRequest As DocumentUpload.FileMREQ, pInput As Ens.StreamContainer, Output pResponse As DocumentUpload.GenericRESP) As %Status
 set pInput=pRequest.FileStream
     ;the variable to hold the status for the method
 #dim status as %Status=$$$OK
 ;clear the pResponse
  kill pResponse
     set pResponse=$$$NULLOREF
 ;set the file name to the sequence number
  set ..Filename=pRequest.NewFileName
  ;the filepath set on the settings of this OPERATION
   set origDirectory = ..Adapter.FilePath
  ;the file directory to drop the file
  set ..Adapter.FilePath = ..Adapter.FilePath_"\"_..StubDirectory
 ;start writing out file data to the stub file
    set:$$$ISOK(status) status= ..Adapter.PutLine(..Filename_"."_..stubExtension,
  $CHAR(34)_ pRequest.ClientID_$CHAR(34)_$CHAR(44)_$CHAR(34)_pRequest.UserId_$CHAR(34)_$CHAR(44)_$CHAR(34)_
  pRequest.DocumentType _$CHAR(34)_$CHAR(44)_$CHAR(34)_pRequest.Title_$CHAR(34)_$CHAR(44)_$CHAR(34)_pRequest.Description_$CHAR(34)_$CHAR(44)_$CHAR(34)_pRequest.Author _$CHAR(34)_$CHAR(44)_$CHAR(34)_pRequest.DocumentDate_$CHAR(34)_$CHAR(44)_$CHAR(34)_pRequest.FinalRevision_$CHAR(34))
 if ($$$ISOK(status))
  ;set back to the operation settings
  set ..Adapter.FilePath = origDirectory
    ;set the file name  to write out to
  set ..Filename=pRequest.NewFileName_"."_..DocExtension
  ;set the filepath on the production settings to this variable
  set origDirectory = ..Adapter.FilePath
  ;set the new filepath
  set ..Adapter.FilePath = ..Adapter.FilePath_"\"_..DocumentDirectory
 // set:$$$ISOK(status) status=  ..Adapter.PutStream(..Filename, pInput.Stream) //error here to file
  set:$$$ISOK(status) status=..OriginalFileOut(pInput,pResponse,..Filename)
      ;set adapter to its original file path
   set ..Adapter.FilePath = origDirectory
   ;check writing out file worked
   if ($$$ISOK(status))
  set pResponse=##class(DocumentUpload.GenericRESP).%New()
  set pResponse.Process="FileOPRN_files Written to their respective directories"
  set pResponse.Status=status
  set status=pResponse.%Save()
 ;return status
 return status

// passthrough original method to write out file

Method OriginalFileOut(pRequest As Ens.StreamContainer, Output pResponse As %Persistent, filenamess) As %Status
 Quit:'$IsObject(pRequest.Stream) $$$ERROR($$$EnsErrGeneral,"No Stream contained in StreamContainer Request")
 Set tFilename=..Adapter.CreateTimestamp(##class(%File).GetFilename(pRequest.OriginalFilename),filenamess)
 Set tSC=..Adapter.PutStream(tFilename, pRequest.Stream)
 Do pRequest.%Save() ; re-save in case PutStream() optimization changed the Stream filename
 Quit tSC

@Eduard Lebedyuk Looked at the class this classEnsLib.RecordMap.Service.BatchFileService and the EnsLib.RecordMap.Service.BatchStandard class apparently these are fine  but for some reason the custom class acts as if it goes into a loop.I have put some traces in my code and tried to capture the status and change  it to fail if a certain validation fails but that makes the whole service to log an error after successfully delivering the first message .

here are the changes made thanks for your help

ClassMethod GetBatchHeader(pIOStream As %IO.DeviceStream, pTimeout As %Numeric = -1, Output pBatch As EnsLib.RecordMap.SimpleBatch, ByRef pLookAhead As %String) As %Status
 Try {
  #dim cpStatus as %Status=$$$OK
    Set tStatus = $$$OK
    Set pBatch = ""
    Set tTerm = ..GetHeaderTerm()
    //Set tFullHeader = 63 _ tTerm
    Set tHeaderLen =63+$length(tTerm)
    set stage=""
    If tHeaderLen
       Set tFound = 0
       Set tLeadingJunk = ""
       Set pLookAhead = $get(pLookAhead)
       Set tTimeout = pTimeout
       Set tEndTime = $zhorolog + pTimeout
      // While ('tFound) && ('pIOStream.AtEnd)
        //  {
          Set tReadLen = tHeaderLen - $length(pLookAhead)
          If tReadLen > 0
             Set tData = pLookAhead _ pIOStream.Read(tReadLen, .tTimeout, .tStatus)
             If $$$ISERR(tStatus) Quit
             If tTimeout
                Set tStatus = $$$ERROR($$$EnsErrTCPReadTimeoutExpired, pTimeout, tReadLen)
                  Set pLookAhead = ""
             $$$TRACE("Else treadlen less than 0-[2]")
             Set tData = $extract(pLookAhead, 1, tHeaderLen)
             Set pLookAhead = $extract(pLookAhead, tHeaderLen + 1, *)
             If ($extract(tData,1,3) = "001" )
                Set pBatch = ..%New()
                set pBatch.BatchHeader = tData
                Set tFound = 1
                $$$TRACE("else $extract(tData1,3)Failed[3]")
                Set pLookAhead = pLookAhead _ tData
                 #; Check if we should start discarding leading data
                If ($length(pLookAhead) >= tHeaderLen)
                   If ($length(tLeadingJunk) < 400)
                     Set tLeadingJunk = tLeadingJunk _ $extract(pLookAhead,1)
                      Set pLookAhead = $extract(pLookAhead,2,*)
                   set cpStatus=0
                   set stage="Extractfailed" //check here
                  // Quit
                 If (pTimeout = -1)
                    Set tTimeout = -1
                     $$$TRACE("time out ok [4]")
                    Set tCurrTime = $zhorolog
                    If (tCurrTime > tEndTime)
                      Set tStatus = $$$ERROR($$$EnsErrTCPReadTimeoutExpired, pTimeout, tReadLen)
                       Set tTimeout = tEndTime - tCurrTime
                   If $$$ISERR(tStatus) Quit
         // } //while
          $$$TRACE("while end"_tFound)
          If $$$ISERR(tStatus) Quit
          #; Clear the lookahead buffer if we didn't find the batch header
          If (('tFound) && ($length(tLeadingJunk) < 400)&&('pLookAhead="")&&($$$ISERR(cpStatus)))
             Set tLeadingJunk = tLeadingJunk _ $get(pLookAhead)
             Set pLookAhead = ""
             $$$TRACE("###Not Found###[6]"_tFound)
            If (tLeadingJunk '= "") && ('..#IgnoreLeadingData)
               #; Use JS escaping to handle control characters
               Set tLoggedJunk = $zconvert($extract(tLeadingJunk,1,400),"O","JS") _ $select($length(tLeadingJunk) > 400: "...", 1: "")
               $$$LOGWARNING($$$FormatText($$$Text("[]Discarding unexpected leading data: '%1'","Ensemble"),tLoggedJunk))
               If (('tFound)&&($$$ISERR(cpStatus)))
                 Set pBatch = ""
                 $$$TRACE("Not Found[8]")
                 //Set tStatus = $$$ERROR($$$EnsRecordMapErrBatchHeaderNotFound,$classname($this))
                 if (stage="Extractfailed" &&($$$ISERR(cpStatus)))
                         set tStatus=cpStatus
                         $$$LOGWARNING($classname($this)_":: Empty Batch Discarded")
                          set tStatus=$$$OK
                            // Set tStatus = $$$EnsSystemError
                            Set tStatus = $$$ERROR($$$EnsRecordMapErrBatchHeaderNotFound,$classname($this))
   Set pBatch = ..%New()
   Set pLookAhead = $get(pLookAhead)
 Catch ex
      $$$TRACE("in catch]")
    Set tStatus = $$$EnsSystemError
 Quit tStatus

Since this is made up of three classes how do I control the status to send the call with within the block have a look at where  I have newStatus and I would like to quit and pass new status

The concept is about relationships the batch needs to be instantiated outside the loop and the record created and inserted in the loop. The batch has many records so every time we loop we add to records and then save records to a batch which was created only once

Method OnRequest(pRequest As DQToolsSet.PrimaryMessageREQ, Output pResponse As HSCIC.DBS.RequestRBAT) As %Status
 #dim status as %Status=$$$OK
    #dim resultSet as %SQL.StatementResult
   set pResponse=##class(HSCIC.DBS.RequestRBAT).%New()
 set status=..Adapter.ExecuteQuery(.resultSet,..GetTheSubmissionData(pRequest.pMonth, pRequest.pApp, pRequest.pRef, pRequest.pInPat))

nbsp;if ($$$ISOK(status))
  While (resultSet.%Next(.status) && $$$ISOK(status))
  set ppResponse=##class(HSCIC.DBS.RequestRMAP.Record).%New()
     set ppResponse.RequestCode=resultSet.Get("recType")
        set ppResponse.PatientID=resultSet.Get("ClientID")
        set ppResponse.DOB=resultSet.Get("DOB")
        set ppResponse.Property4=resultSet.Get("u1")
        set ppResponse.Property5=resultSet.Get("u2")
        set ppResponse.NHSNumber=resultSet.Get("NNN")
        set ppResponse.Surname=resultSet.Get("Surname")
        set ppResponse.AltSurname=resultSet.Get("u3")
        set ppResponse.GivenName=resultSet.Get("GivenName1")
        set ppResponse.AltGivenName=resultSet.Get("u4")
        set ppResponse.SpineGender=resultSet.Get("Gender")
        set ppResponse.Address1=resultSet.Get("a1")
        set ppResponse.Address2=resultSet.Get("a2")
        set ppResponse.Address3=resultSet.Get("a3")
        set ppResponse.Address4=resultSet.Get("a4")
        set ppResponse.Address5=resultSet.Get("a5")
        set ppResponse.PostCode=resultSet.Get("Postcode")
        set ppResponse.AltAddress1=resultSet.Get("p1")
        set ppResponse.AltAddress2=resultSet.Get("p2")
        set ppResponse.AltAddress3=resultSet.Get("p3")
        set ppResponse.AltAddress4=resultSet.Get("p4")
        set ppResponse.AltAddress5=resultSet.Get("p5")
        set ppResponse.AltPostCode=resultSet.Get("p6")
        set ppResponse.GPCode=resultSet.Get("GPCode")
        set ppResponse.GPPracticeCode=resultSet.Get("PracticeCode")
        set ppResponse.NewField3=resultSet.Get("u5")
        set ppResponse.NewFiel23=resultSet.Get("u6")
   set status=ppResponse.%Save()
   if ($$$ISOK(status))
    set status=pResponse.Records.InsertObject(pobject)
set status=pResponse.Records.%Save()

@Sean Connelly

Class TOpp Extends Ens.BusinessOperation
Parameter ADAPTER = "EnsLib.SQL.OutboundAdapter";
Property Adapter As EnsLib.SQL.OutboundAdapter;
Parameter INVOCATION = "Queue";
Method CheckRequests(pRequest As Ens.Request, Output pResponse As Ens.Response) As %Status
 set query= ";with apt as"
 _" Select ac.ClientID from AmsAppointmentContact ac join AmsAppointment a on a.SequenceID = ac.SequenceID where"
 _"  a.AppointmentDate > CAST(DATEADD(M,-6,GETDATE()) AS DATE) and a.CancellationDateTime is null "
 _" ),"
 _" ref as"
 _" select ClientID"
 _"  from"
 _" ( select ROW_NUMBER() OVER(PARTITION BY ClientID ORDER BY ReferralNumber) rn, * from AmsReferral"
 _"   where DischargeDateTime is null) a"
 _"  where rn = 1 "
 _" ),"
 _"  inp as"
 _" ("
 _" select ClientID"
 _" from"
 _" select ROW_NUMBER() OVER (PARTITION BY ClientID ORDER BY EventNumber) as rn,* from ImsEvent"
 _" where DischargeDate is null) a "
 _"  where rn = 1"
 _" ),"
 _" cohort as "
 _" (select ClientID from "
 _" ( "
 _" select row_number() OVER(PARTITION BY ClientID ORDER BY ClientID) as rn,ClientID from "
 _" (select * from apt"
 _" union all "
 _"  select * from ref "
 _"  union all "
 _"  select * from inp) a) b where rn=1 "
 _" ) "
 _" select '10' as recType, c.ClientID, CONVERT(VARCHAR(8), c.DateOfBirth, 112) as DOB, '' as u1, '' as u2, ISNULL(c.NNN, '') as NNN,"
 _" cn.Surname, '' as u3, cn.GivenName1, '' as u4, g.SpineCode as Gender,"
 _" '' as a1,'' as a2,'' as a3,'' as a4,'' as a5 ,ca.PostCode,'' as p1,'' as p2,'' as p3,'' as p4,'' as p5,'ZZ99' as p6, ch.GPCode, ch.PracticeCode,'' as u5,'' as u6 "
 _" from ClientIndex c left join ClientName cn on cn.ClientID = c.ClientID left join ClientAddress ca on ca.ClientID = c.ClientID left join ClientHealthCareProvider ch on c.ClientID = ch.ClientID "
 _" left join GenGender g on g.Code = c.Gender join cohort on cohort.ClientID = c.ClientID where "
  _" c.DateOfDeath is null and ca.ToDate is null and ca.AddressGroup = 1 and cn.AliasType = '1' and ch.ToDate is null and c.NonClient = 0"
 set file = ##class(%Stream.FileCharacter).%New()
 set fileName="C:\File\123.txt"
 set sc=""
  do file.LinkToFile(fileName)
  while 'file.AtEnd {
  set rs = ##class(%SQL.Statement).%ExecDirect(, query)
  set sc = rs.%DisplayFormatted(100,file)
 quit sc
XData MessageMap
  <MapItem MessageType="Ens.Request">

@Dmitry Maslennikov I have  done this for starters but got an error ^

here is my code



Method TalkToTheWorld()
 Set httprequest=##class(%Net.HttpRequest).%New()
 Set httprequest.Server="https://maps.googleapis.com/maps/api/distancematrix/json?origins=BRISTOL&destinations=LONDON&key=TZhydlRg6-dUm-EoIuees43456rtyu7 "
 Do httprequest.Get("/")
 Do httprequest.HttpResponse.OutputToDevice()
 Do httprequest.Get("/cache/")
 Do httprequest.HttpResponse.OutputToDevice()