I am trying to get a list of databases using the DatabaseByServer method but I am only getting an empty string. I have not found any useful examples of the proper usage of this class/method.

I have tried 2 formats. First

set dbList=""

set db=##class(Config.Databases).DatabasesByServer("my-host",.dbList)

I also tried:

set db=##class(Config.Databases).DatabasesByServer("my-host",.dbList,"/cachesys/")

In each case dbList is empty string. I can not figure out what I am missing.

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I am running csession on AIX. I have been using the command "csession cache -U%SYS". In the session the namespace shows as "%SYS>" as expected. I was simply doing queries to the best of my knowledge. At some point csession starting failing to reference the namespace instead showing /cachesys/mgr which is the main dir for the cache instance. I am not aware of doing anything that would cause this but more importantly, how do I correct it? I

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· Aug 31, 2021
Understanding process jobTpe

I have a client running cache on an AIX platform. I put together a objectscript to allow for the viewing the processes running against the database using a select from SYS.Process. One of the values I want in the view of the processes information is Jobtype but I want to convert it from the numeric value to a string value. In the Intersystems documentation there is a reference to an include file $syPidTab.inc that should include macros that make this translation. I have not been able to track down this include file.

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I am new to Intersystems cache COS scripts (cache is a client system). ThoughCOS scripts basically appear to be straight forward, I am having issues with the logon credentials. From what I have found in the documentation, the first 2 lines of the script contain the U/P. When running the script, the username is picked up correctly but the password is not. Granted, having U/P in a script is not ideal but will suffice as a matter of learning if I can figure out the formatting/syntax required. Any help on this would be appreciated.

Kevin McGinn

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I have a simple python script to pull table information from cache 2018.1.2 which is on a windows 10 machine. I get no results though the same query in the management portal works correctly:

import os
import sys
import intersys.pythonbind3 as ipyb
import numpy as np

# Connect to the Cache' database
url = "localhost[1972]:%SYS"
user = "xxxx"
password = "zzzzz"

accessKey = (url, user, password)

def main(accessKey):

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I have a Powershell script to backup up a Cache database. The script runs through and backs up the database with the normal 4 iterations. The script successfully produces the backup file and an associated log file. However, after completion of the backup there is what appears to be a permission error. I have not been able to find any information that would help me determine if this message impacts the integrity of the back up. From the end of the output of the backup:

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