go to post Enrico Parisi · Dec 21, 2022 Use Microsoft Windows to install IIS.Once installed you can install InterSystems IRIS, which will ask the user if IIS should be configured. Unfortunately, as of latest IRIS and any previous IRIS/Caché, after default/standard configuration by install kit the SMP won't work properly without additional manual configuration of IIS. I suggest ISC to fix this before removing PWS.
go to post Enrico Parisi · Dec 21, 2022 In your sample the response from EPRSave() is never used/tested. Do client.EPRSave(request, .response) Are you actually using that API in a production system?
go to post Enrico Parisi · Dec 21, 2022 In Studio, Tools menu, Export, select routines, classes etc., select file...
go to post Enrico Parisi · Dec 20, 2022 Hi Yuri, thank you for your sample, I noticed you don't handle/consider the response from EPRSave(). Are you actually using that API in a production system?
go to post Enrico Parisi · Dec 14, 2022 Try enabling the log in the Java Gateway. In Management Portal: System Administration > Configuration > Connectivity > External Language Servers > Edit External Language Server Edit the "%Java Server" (you may need to stop it, if started) and in Advanced Settings specify a Log File. Then reproduce the problem and check the log file. The log file (in some case) can grow significantly, you may want to disable it when done. Enrico
go to post Enrico Parisi · Dec 14, 2022 Frankly I cannot see any advantage in using the sample you posted, it makes things more complicated with no advantage and no, it's not faster than just use a plain simple property. There are cases when those "tricks" (calculated properties, Set/Get methods) can be useful, but that's not the case of the code in your sample. Regarding VALUELIST, it makes it easy and simple to define a (typically small) set of valid values for a property, then, if necessary, you can optionally provide a "user friendly" representation of those value. If you don't find it useful or don't need it, well....don't use it. Enrico
go to post Enrico Parisi · Sep 8, 2022 The solution in simple....if you know it: set addressArray=netGate.new("remote.test.Address[2]") do addressArray.%set(0, home) do addressArray.%set(1, home2) set person = netGate.new("remote.test.Person") do person.setAddressArray(addressArray) set addressArray2=person.getAddressArray() for i=0:1:1 { set addr = addressArray2.%get(i) w !, addr.city } In addition to %set() and %get() method for arrays there are also %setall(), %getall() methods. Hopefully these methods will be documented sometime in the future. Enrico
go to post Enrico Parisi · Sep 7, 2022 I realized the problem using "Recast", the gateway needs to be instantiated using the new gateway. I had to fix a couple of things related to how the datatypes are casted and now it works. However, this is not exactly what I was looking for, as mentioned my goal is to convert existing code that use the no longer documented "legacy gateway" to "new code" using the current (poorly) documented $system.external. My goal is to move "forward" my code for current and future releases of IRIS.Removing the need of the imported proxy classes also simplify the IRIS upgrade process. Thank you again and enjoy your vacation! Enrico
go to post Enrico Parisi · Sep 7, 2022 Hi Stuart, thank you so much for your answer and effort, I feel sorry for your vacation!! As mentioned, to keep things simple in my test instead of using my "real stuff" (somewhat more complex) I'm using the "old" test code %Net.Remote.DotNet.Test and corresponding .NET project that I have compiled with .NET Framework 4.5, this provides a simple testbed to test basic functionality. Using the now undocumented legacy gateway the test works fine Then, when I: set ^%SYS("Gateway","Remote","Recast",namespace)=1 and reimport proxy classes, I can see that the generated proxy classes are different, so the "recast" had some effect. Unfortunately running the test code....fail in the very first line: USER>do ##class(%Net.Remote.DotNet.Test).Test(58555) Errore #5023: Errore del gateway di Java: <ZJGTW>%dispatch+17^%Net.Remote.Base.1 It fails in the line (the first call to .NET class): Set student=##class(remote.test.Student).%New(gateway,29,"976-01-6712") So...neither this approach works...at all. Thank you again, Enrico
go to post Enrico Parisi · Sep 6, 2022 Unfortunately it does not work just as it always has, a %ListOfObjects cannot be passed to a .NET method that expect a .NET array as argument, like the setAddressArray() method. It simply does not work.
go to post Enrico Parisi · Sep 2, 2022 I don't think you can add SqlProc at class level, but you can modify the class definition programmatically. Look at the class %Dictionary.MethodDefinition and the property SqlProc, if you set it to 1 is the same as adding [SqlProc] to the method. %Dictionary.MethodDefinition is a child class of %Dictionary.ClassDefinition. Of course I advise you to test it in a temporary system/namespace before... Hope it helps, Enrico
go to post Enrico Parisi · Mar 25, 2020 Hi Guillaume, I think the ParseFile method of %XML.TextReader is what you are looking for. I've not tested, but according to the documentation, it should work. https://docs.intersystems.com/irislatest/csp/docbook/DocBook.UI.Page.cls... Note: the link is to IRIS doc., but should be the same in Ensemble 2017. Enrico
go to post Enrico Parisi · Feb 27, 2020 Hi Brad,we have done quite a few similar project migrating, cloning and "splitting" Ensemble/HealthShare systems to/from different sites or systems.In fact we are working on one migration (with some change in the target site) right now.The actual recipe depends on the environment and the requirements, in your case is a "simple" move, and that simplify the job.It is indeed possible to upgrade during the migration, but of course it adds a little more complexity and planning (AND TESTING!!).One important aspect is the down time you can afford, if any. I've never done a migration with zero down time, I would say that around 30 minutes to one hour is feasible, in your case that does not require any modification maybe in less that 30 minutes it can be done.Ensemble is an integration platform, it often connect to many systems and receive connection from many systems, often there are some sort of web/csp app where user are connecting, this must be taken in to account to simplify and speed up switch time.Ideally you want to have full control of the "communication switch" so when the "new" system take over you can switch (divert) all the connection to the new system.We usually install a temporary reverse proxy for all the HTTP/HTTPS traffic (soap, web/csp pages, rest, etc.) that "redirect" the traffic to the "old" system and ask all the connecting systems to "point" to the reverse proxy BEFORE (a week or two) "D day" (final migration switch date).Then we make sure that ALL the HTTP/HTTPS traffic goes through the proxy (we always find some external system that "forgot" to change the endpoint...).The "D day" you change the reverse proxy configuration to "redirect" the traffic to the new system, so this is under YOUR control.For HL7 traffic we usually prepare in the "old" system a separate production that simply redirect received HL7 to the "new" system.You need one Business Service and one Business Operation for each TCP/IP HL7 inbound adapters in all your productions (i.e. one for each HL7 port in your system).This production can be implemented adding BS's (EnsLib.HL7.Service.TCPService) and BO's (EnsLib.HL7.Operation.TCPOperation) with simple point & click configuration.When all your production in the old system have stopped and started in the new system, starting this production will redirect all the HL7 traffic to the new system, all under YOUR control.As soon as the new system is up&runnign you can ask all the connecting partners/systems (HTTP/HTTPS and HL7) to change (at their convenience) the endpoint to the new system.I believe that having the "main switch" in your control is crucial....particularly when you have tens of systems/partners connecting to Ensemble/HS.Depending to your environment there maybe more type of connection to take care of...Regarding setting up and migrating the system, the first goal is to replicate the configuration, usually this involve a fresh installation (better if using same drive/disk letters and structures), a preliminary copy of all the databases and configuration using some sort of backup (there are different options) and as much TESTING as possible in your environment. Are third party test systems available? If not you may need to build some mockup of the external system to perform some basic testing.We usually take the opportunity to spit code ("routines") databases and globals (data) databases, if not already so.The advantage of dividing code and data is the ability to change code in the target system and when performing the last migration/copy only data is transferred (actually, the database may contain code no longer used...no problem).The final migration should only transfer the data (not config) and involve some sort of backup and journal file from backup to "shutdown", this way you can minimize the downtime to the minimum.Please add in the middle of each step above: test, test, test and at the end test, test and test :)There are many other aspects I forgot or depends on specific environments and requirements, these are only a few tips from my experience.If you have any specific question, just ask, I can't commit for an answer, but maybe somebody else will ;)Ciao,Enrico
go to post Enrico Parisi · Feb 1, 2020 Hi Stella, I dubt the code that returns "a LIST error" is the code you posted here.There seems to be a few problems with the code posted, including:- I don't think the query will compile with " as Count" (Count is a reserved word in SQL)- You should get an <UNDEFINED> error when referencing the Count variable in the for loop Please note that Settings in Ens.Config.Item is a "list Of Ens.Config.Setting", that's an instance of %Library.ListOfObjects, not a $list. In general, when I code, today I try to avoid %ResultSet, that I consider deprecated, in favor of %SQL.Statement. But that's, maybe, my opinion. As to a possible solution, I'm not sure the full list can be obtained with a single SQL query because the result consists of a "main" collection of all productions hosts and, for each host, a collection of settings.Lists in Object Scrtipt Classes are not projected to SQL by default (SQLPROJECTION and/or STORAGEDEFAULT may change that default). So, to get the list of all Settings, two loops are necessary, one for all hosts, another for all settings within the host, something like: ClassMethod SettingsQuery(){ Set sc=$$$OK Try { Set sqlQuery="Select Production, Name, Settings from Ens_Config.Item " Set stSql=##class(%SQL.Statement).%New() Set stSql.%ObjectSelectMode=1 Set rsSql=##class(%SQL.Statement).%ExecDirect(.stSql, sqlQuery) If rsSql.%SQLCODE < 0 { Set sc = $$$ERROR($$$GeneralError,"%SQLCODE="_rsSql.%SQLCODE_", %Message="_rsSql.%Message) Quit } While rsSql.%Next(.sc) { If $$$ISERR(sc) Quit Write rsSql.Production.Name," -> ",rsSql.Name," has ",rsSql.Settings.Count()," settings:",! For SettingCounter=1:1:rsSql.Settings.Count() { Write ?10,rsSql.Settings.GetAt(SettingCounter).Name," = ",rsSql.Settings.GetAt(SettingCounter).Value,! } Write ! } } Catch CatchError { #dim CatchError as %Exception.SystemException Set sc=CatchError.AsStatus() } Quit sc} Now, you got what you asked....but, I'm not sure you got what you want/need. ;)There are several issues/pitfalls.There are Business Host settings and Adapter settings, there are settings with default values....and more... I REALLY wish ISC provided an interface to get a list of all settings, along with "actual" values (as used by the production, wherever the value comes from....) of each/all Business hosts within a production.But...I keep wishing, any other has the same wish? :) Enrico P.S.: Please note that the code posted works in IRIS but does not work with Ensemble/HS due to a bug on how %ListOf* are handled when %ObjectSelectMode=1 P.P.S: how can I paste properly insented and "colored" code directly from Studio?
go to post Enrico Parisi · Feb 1, 2020 Hi Timothy, very nice article, I think that regarding restoring of the current device: Set $io = tDevice The proper way to set the current device ($io) is issuing the Use command: Use tDevice From the doc: You issue a USE command to change the current device...... This special variable cannot be modified using the SET command. Attempting to do so results in a <SYNTAX> error. https://cedocs.intersystems.com/latest/csp/docbook/DocBook.UI.Page.cls?K... Enrico
go to post Enrico Parisi · Jan 28, 2020 I think you mistyped, the condition should be: PostCodeLastCharacter(HL7.{PID:11(1).5})=1 Enrico
go to post Enrico Parisi · Jan 28, 2020 Hi Martin, whenever you have a "special need" (not saying that $e() is special...but..) in rules or DTL, you can create a Custom Utility Function, see: https://cedocs.intersystems.com/latest/csp/docbook/DocBook.UI.Page.cls?K... Get back if any problem arise writing the function. HTH Enrico
go to post Enrico Parisi · Jan 6, 2020 Sorry, last line should be:SAMPLES>If '$data(rsmd.columnIndex("NOTEXISTENT")) Write "" Enrico
go to post Enrico Parisi · Jan 6, 2020 I think the most efficient way to test if a column exists in the result set is using the columnIndex property of the metadata (instance of %SQL.StatementMetadata): SAMPLES>Set rs=##class(%SQL.Statement).%ExecDirect(.st,"select name,age from Sample.Person")SAMPLES>Write rs.%Next()1SAMPLES>Set rsmd = rs.%GetMetadata()SAMPLES>If $data(rsmd.columnIndex("NAME")) Write rs.NameXiang,Gertrude X.SAMPLES>If $data(rsmd.columnIndex("NOTEXISTENT")) Write "" Enrico