go to post Enrico Parisi · Feb 7, 2023 I would send the message to a Business Operation and set state as deferred, then "later" (when? what trigger? from where?) using some logic, choose the message(es) and send response to that BO from somewhere (Business Service? Any other Business Host? ...to little info to know) to continue the process. Not enough info to elaborate it further. Enrico
go to post Enrico Parisi · Feb 7, 2023 It very depends from what version/release you are upgrading from. Enrico
go to post Enrico Parisi · Feb 2, 2023 The solution depends on the problem, my understanding is that the problem is to convert any arbitrary HTML to PDF, then I don't think Zen report can do it.
go to post Enrico Parisi · Feb 2, 2023 There are plenty of options, as discussed in the thread linked above. Personally, a little more than 10 years ago I've used a (commercial) .NET library called hiqpdf and wrote a very tiny .NET wrapper. Works great and since then it's still running fine. Enrico
go to post Enrico Parisi · Jan 21, 2023 I don't think is possible, ANY IRIS.DAT can be mounted and named as desired when mounted (configured) in an IRIS instance. If the database is mounted, then it's possible to find out the name and path of the IRIS.DAT that correspond to a mounted database: System Management Portal -> System Operations - Databases, there you have the list of configured databases with name and corresponding path. If you have a "spare" unmounted/unconfigured database then you can mount it (add it to the IRIS configuration) and check the content and see what it contains to understand what was used for. Enrico
go to post Enrico Parisi · Jan 19, 2023 How is the BS pulling the data? From files? From SQL? Or? I think you need to parallelize the dequeuing, but I don't think a BS can have more than one job. You can move the dequeuing to a Business Operation, in that case you can assign as many jobs (pool size) as required. Enrico
go to post Enrico Parisi · Jan 18, 2023 Hi Con,I was afraid of that, the $zcvt function does not handle that translation. You need to modify your code to something like: set text=$zcvt(text,"O","XML")set text =$replace(text,">=","≥")write !,"<PostInfo>"_text_"</PostInfo>" Enrico
go to post Enrico Parisi · Jan 16, 2023 Regarding: Set mgr.StringQuote = "" I think it should be: Set mgr.StringQuote = """" Otherwise you set the StringQuote to null. Regarding the date/time export, what's the datatype of the columns (class properties) you are exporting? Enrico
go to post Enrico Parisi · Jan 16, 2023 Single character greater than or equal symbol is $c(8805), so: .......set text=^||TestProfile("Table",p,"PostInfo",r)set text=$replace(text,">=",$c(8805))....... Try and let us know. Enrico
go to post Enrico Parisi · Jan 16, 2023 In what part/context and how (constant? function/expression? report data?) of a ZEN Report do you want to insert it? Maybe a little snipped of the report may help us in helping you... Enrico
go to post Enrico Parisi · Jan 14, 2023 Often SqlComputed is used for properties that are also calculated like: Property TestCalc As %String [ Calculated, SqlComputeCode = { Set {*} = ..#TestParam }, SqlComputed ]; but in that case ..#ParamName does not work, this works: Property TestCalc As %String [ Calculated, SqlComputeCode = { Set {*} = ##class(test.CalcParm).#TestParam }, SqlComputed ]; Enrico
go to post Enrico Parisi · Jan 12, 2023 SQL Compute Code runs outside the class context, in that circumstance you can use: ##class(YourPkg.YourClassName).#YourParamName Enrico
go to post Enrico Parisi · Jan 12, 2023 You can change the port from 57772 to 80 in System Managment Portal: System Administrtion -> Configuration -> Additional Settings -> Startup -> WebServerPort Or cache.cpf configurtion file: WebServerPort=57772 to WebServerPort=80 Better, proper and suggested solution: install a properly configured web server using port 80, don't use the little web server installed by Ensemble. Enrico
go to post Enrico Parisi · Jan 11, 2023 It's very difficult....nearly impossible to help with the little info provided. The error does not looks like an IRIS/Caché error, is it an IRIS/Caché table or an external table? How are you invoking the query? System Management Portal? Embedded SQL? xDBC? Enrico
go to post Enrico Parisi · Jan 11, 2023 Exactly for that situation I use: If ##class(Ens.Job).ShouldBeQuiescent() || ##class(Ens.Job).ShouldTerminate() { ; do your closing housekeeping or...whatever.. Quit } In your case maybe only ShouldTerminate() would be sufficient. Enrico
go to post Enrico Parisi · Jan 11, 2023 If you need to change date format within a transformation I would create a custom utility function and then use it in the transformation. To build custom utility function see: https://docs.intersystems.com/irisforhealth20222/csp/docbook/DocBook.UI.... Enrico
go to post Enrico Parisi · Jan 11, 2023 If you use custom port there is no session, that's expected/by design. A session (%session) is a %CSP.Session object that is available only when the SOAP service uses a standard request via a properly configured web server (apache, IIS, other), to configure it check the "EnableStandardRequests" setting in the Business Service, configure the Web Application and the web server (or use default namespace Web Application), then invoke the service via the web server port. In my experience I prefer to use standard request via web server, in general there is no need or valid reason (I can think of) to use custom port, unless you need something very specific, for example you don't have a web server (so...no SMP, something very unusual...). Enrico
go to post Enrico Parisi · Dec 22, 2022 I haven't seen a database corruption for many years, I literally forgot the last time I saw it, it may be 15+ years or more. And in the past (last millennium) I've seen and dealt db corruption. Out of curiosity, what are the symptoms or your corruption? How did it happened?
go to post Enrico Parisi · Dec 22, 2022 Sorry but I don't understand the problem/issue, starting from 2023 a web server is a prerequisite for IRIS, I's say that is almost mandatory unless you have some very particular use case. What's the difficulty of installing Apache or IIS in windows? Providing that IRIS installation properly configure the WEB Server (IIS or Apache), I don't see the difficulty. Or I'm missing something?