To create a custom CSP login page:

  1. Ensure that the Web Gateway user (CSPSystem) has permissions to read the database for where the custom login page is located. Assign the desired database resource to an appropriate role, and then assign that role to the CSPSystem user.


And...this is the demonstration that the feedback button in the documentation pages really does work!
I admit I ran into this problem sometime ago, after realizing the problem I felt the documentation had to mention that "detail" I pressed the feedback button and filed the request/advice.

Now that "detail" is the first step in the recipe of creating a custom login page.

Well done InterSystems Documentation team!

Now we only need to encourage people to actually read the documentation wink

Or search the community:

Enrico smiley

Yes, there is, at least "everything" IRIS is aware of, so some item maybe missing but can be added.

In SMP, Iteroperability -> List -> Productions, select the production and click "Export" button.

Or, open production configuration, production settings, actions, Export button.

All production items are selected and you can manually add additional classes/components like search tables, custom schema, deployable system default settings, data transformations, etc.

Then, when you deploy your production you can also create a rollback file, in case you want to rollback, see:


Personally I'd rather use a default numeric ID and if needed an additional UUID/GUID unique property.

To implement what you asked you can use something like:

Class My.TestClass Extends %Persistent
Property PrimaryUUID As %String [ InitialExpression = {$system.Util.CreateGUID()} ];
Property MyOtherData As %String;

Index PrimaryUUIDIndex On PrimaryUUID [ IdKey, Unique ];

In this way the primary key (PrimaryUUID) is automatically assigned, no need to set it manually, in SQL is mapped as ID (as well as PrimaryUUID).


I would  send the message to a Business Operation and set state as deferred, then "later" (when? what trigger? from where?) using some logic, choose the message(es) and send response to that BO from somewhere (Business Service? Any other Business Host? little info to know) to continue the process.

Not enough info to elaborate it further.


I don't think is possible, ANY IRIS.DAT can be mounted and named as desired when mounted (configured) in an IRIS instance.

If the database is mounted, then it's possible to find out the name and path of the IRIS.DAT that correspond to a mounted database: System Management Portal -> System Operations - Databases, there you have the list of configured databases with name and corresponding path.

If you have a "spare" unmounted/unconfigured database then you can mount it (add it to the IRIS configuration) and check the content and see what it contains to understand what was used for.
