the second line of the error msg tells you that SQLserver raised error 102

This error occurs when Adaptive Server detects a syntax error in a Transact-SQL® command or query. This error can occur when: A keyword is misspelled. ... You used a variable for a database name and your query contains a parser errorerror 102 is raised because the batch was never executed.

suggestion: Check the SQL-name of the generated class samples.people

Developing in the production environment is "high-risk extra class".
This doesn't exclude to do development on the production SERVER (e.g by lack of HW)
The most simple option is to have 3 namespaces in parallel. PRODUCTION (aka WORK), TEST, DEVELOPMENT.
A better variant is to have a 2nd instance on the same SERVER machine for  TEST & DEVELOPMENT.
Git doesn't care which Instance you use.
ZMP is not availaible in Caché.
Docker is theoretically possible but quite an effort as you need to build your own image especially for a WIN environment and get the appropriate license for it.

I probably don't understand what you try to achieve.
To my understanding ZPM is targeted to IRIS and its applications and
NOT to the underlying operating system.
- Though I admit that a lot of "hacking" into the OS is possible from IRIS. 

With the broad range of operating systems supported by IRIS, 
I rate this as a rather questionable approach, that I wouldn't support.