· Jun 13, 2022
Comparing Dates


Any suggestion on how to compare dates? Below is my code but it does not seem to work.

USER>w $zdate(zdateh(x,8),1) > $zdate($zdateh(y,8),1)

When I set x to "06/01/2022" and set y to "04/01/2022" gives me an output of 1

When I set x to "09/01/2019" and set y to "04/1/2022" still gives me an output of 1

Any help is appreciated.


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· Jul 27, 2021
How To Pass Custom Class

I've created a custom class that extends to the standard HS.Message.PatientSearchRequest. Inside the custom class i just want to pass the data as input only.

But i am getting ERROR #6277: Type attribute, s01:AcoPatientSearchRequest, does not specify valid type for XML input tag: pRequest (ending at line 5 character 171)

I tried adding Parameter XMLIGNOREINVALIDTAG = 1; and

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Hi! I am working on a project where I use record map to transform a flat file and split it into two output text file and in the future will need to split four output files.

I only want to use one target business operations instead of multiple. Is there a way to set the output file and the target folder path in my business process class?

Any advice on how I can achieve this or is this possible? Thanks!

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I am working on tweaking our current patient load process. The roster input is in text pipe delimited format, parsed out and transforms it to a standard HS.Message.PatientSearchRequest, and send to business process for patient matching. Result is transformed into a standard ADT HL7 message using EnsLib.HL.Message class. I would like to know if there is another class I can use that will transform my output to a text flat file pipe delimited instead of HL7 format? any advice on how to do this is greatly appreciated.


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