Question Khalid Saleem · Feb 5, 2018 Determine write-access to a directory I am trying to determine the write-access to a windows-directory, using the method %File.Writeable(). But, this method always returns the boolean "true", even when I have revoked the write-access of Healthshare-user in this directory. Note: 1) When the same ensemble-service tries to write a file in this directory (which it says is "writeable"), it fails. 2) The method %File.Writeable(...) works perfectly in the case of files. Any help is appreciated. Thanks in advance... :-) #Ensemble #ObjectScript 1 17 0 937
Question Khalid Saleem · Jun 2, 2017 Issue with error-text of custom error-code Hi, I am trying to generate a custom error-code using the following code Class ISG.CommonBilling.Service.Test1 Extends EnsLib.HL7.Operation.TCPOperation { ClassMethod khalid() As %Status { Set tSC=$$$ERROR("10001","I am here") write $$$GETERRORCODE(tSC)_$char(13,10) write $SYSTEM.Status.GetErrorText(tSC) } } And here is the output: #Beginner #Object Data Model #Ensemble 0 5 0 1.3K
Question Khalid Saleem · May 31, 2017 Issues with Ensemble v2017.1 and DH key-length on https server Hi, I am facing an issue after upgrading from Ensemble version 2015.1 to 2017.1. On 2015.1, I was testing a Rest operation using a https mock-server. But now on 2017.1, the same Rest operation throws me the following exception on testing... #Business Operation #Ensemble 0 2 0 794