
I only use Caché and CSP, I am making a simple request in CSP page with #call method, and I have to define a callback of this #call method, can I do this?

This is my simple request in CSP page (javascript):

PainelBordoResource.prototype.obterIndicador = function(requisicaoParametros) {
let retorno = #call(painelbordo.PainelBordoResource.obterIndicador(angular.toJson(requisicaoParametros)))#;
return retorno;

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Hi people,

I am migration my web application of Cache 2013 to Cache 2016, in Cache 2013 I have a integration with a Java aplication using Java Gateway mapping proxy classes and consuming a method that param is a object, and it works perfectly.

But in Cache 2016 this integration don't work, I send the param as object but Cache send as String with the ref of object...

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