Question Matthias Thon · Mar 11 Docker IRIS_Community Mount Hello, i am building a new container with Docker-Compose with a --volume ./:/irisdev/app:rw to mount a host volume (UBUNTU). If i try to create some data in /irisdev/app i have no write permission If i open a bash host session i see all mounted files of my ./ directory. But with ls -l only UID 100 has write permission. The UID for "iris owner" is 52773. Is there a way to set the UID and Group to "iris owner" ? regards Matthias #Docker #InterSystems IRIS 0 1 0 29
Announcement Matthias Thon · Jun 12, 2024 MUMPS / Cache developer (Germany) Hello, I have over 30 years of experience developing solutions with MUMPS and Cache. Additionally, I also develop in C++, Python, JavaScript, HTML and CSS. I'm seated in Germany and looking for a job opportunity as a freelancer who mostly works from home office. regards Matthias #C++ #HTML #Job Wanted #ObjectScript #Python #SQL #Caché 0 3 0 265