I think my following post in this forum may help in understanding the use case.


In short, the use case is to bring up a Cache instance on a test machine from a production backup. As I explained in the above post, I will bring back all the file systems at same mount points. Are you saying that I can just start Cache in normal mode because recovery happens automatically? The answer in the above post mentions that it is better to do journal recovery.


"ccontrol create" works well if I do this operation on a machine that already has some other cache instance installed. But when I do similar sequence of operations on a machine that has no previous Cache installation, "ccontrol create" fails with the error message:

"ccontrol(create registry): No such file or directory"

Apparently, it is trying to access the file "/usr/local/etc/cachesys/cache.reg" which is obviously not there. Is there any way to create Cache registry on the fly?

Thanks in advance,


Thanks for quick response.

Now, I am trying to run the following code on a Linux box as follows (CACHE is the instance name):

"csession CACHE -U"%SYS" "w ##class(%SYS.System).InstanceGUID()" 

but it results in "<INVALID ARGUMENT>". Is this correct way of running objectscript code on Linux? Sorry if this comes across as a silly question but I am just getting familiar with Cache and its concepts.

