Hello Guys,

Our cache application uses REST web services and handles single API request perfectly with response (response status and related data). But sometimes user sends multiple requests to the same API simultaneously ( ie, without waiting for the first to respond ), where one request will succeed (not necessarily the first) and the others will fail.

So, I need to handle the requests one by one after completing and sending the response for first request in the queue then process the next request and so on.

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Hello Everyone,

We currently have CSP application that runs under 2 servers(usually primary), and every month the server reboots for patching SERVER1(primary) in the morning and SERVER2(backup) at night.

Whenever the SERVER1 reboots SERVER2 behaves as primary and when SERVER1 comes back up it will act as backup server.

First Patching:

So, when SERVER1 is down, I need to start httpd service for SERVER2 and stop httpd service for SERVER1 (which is now backup server).

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