Article Prasanth Annamreddy · Jan 29 1m read Display the Production Configuration Items with Status This code provide the configured production items with enabled or disabled status. Include (Ensemble, EnsUI, EnsUtil) Class Test.ProductionConfig{ #ObjectScript #Caché #Ensemble #InterSystems IRIS #Health Connect 1 1 0 64
Question Prasanth Annamreddy · Apr 7, 2024 FHIR SQL Builder throwing Connection Refused error Hi, We are setting up FHIR SQL builder analysis set up in cloud but it is refused the connection. Could anyone please help to share your idea to resolve the issue. Why it is throwing connection refused. Any configuration missing? Thanks, #Cloud #FHIR #InterSystems IRIS for Health 0 6 0 154
Question Prasanth Annamreddy · Mar 23, 2024 FHIR Data not return content Hi, I found an issue while fetching records from FHIR DB, I am getting below error thou FHIR repository have the records with the corresponding id { "resourceType": "OperationOutcome", "issue": [ { "severity": "error", "code": "not-found", "diagnostics": "<HSFHIRErr>ResourceNotFound", "details": { "text": "No resource with type 'Appointment' and id '21'" } } ] } #FHIR #ObjectScript #Global Masters #InterSystems IRIS #InterSystems IRIS for Health 0 5 0 155
Question Prasanth Annamreddy · Mar 11, 2024 FHIR - 404 Not Found Error Hi, I am having an issue when I am publishing data to FHIR which is hosting in AWS. I am sending the data to the Cloud FHIR url but getting the below error. Any idea how to resolve this issue? Any example to cretae FHIR repository using Object script? :<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//IETF//DTD HTML 2.0//EN"> <html><head> <title>404 Not Found</title> </head><body> <h1>Not Found</h1> <p>The requested URL was not found on this server.</p> </body></html> #FHIR #ObjectScript #Global Masters #HealthShare #InterSystems IRIS #InterSystems IRIS for Health 0 2 0 191
Question Prasanth Annamreddy · Feb 16, 2024 How to add api key in Header part in FHIR Request ? Hi, how to add x-api-key to FHIR repository header using objectsctipt? Thanks, Prasanth #FHIR #InterSystems IRIS 0 2 0 184
Question Prasanth Annamreddy · Nov 20, 2023 Error on FHIR resource publish through Process to FHIR repository I have received 2 errors while publishing Patient data to repository. Message viewer displays like below and the Application log found bold content. Could you please help me on this to resolve the errors. An error occurred with the web application.It has been logged to system error log (System Operation>System Logs>Application Error Log). "<METHOD DOES NOT EXIST>OnPage+42^EnsPortal.MessageContents.1 *%Id,HS.FHIRServer.API.Data.Request : CSP Error" #FHIR #ObjectScript #InterSystems IRIS 0 8 0 526
Question Prasanth Annamreddy · Nov 6, 2023 FHIR SQL Builder Transformation Specification Setup Issue Hi, In my local IRIS, I am learning FHIR for the first time. Can anyone help me set up FHIR SQL Builder. After following the e-learning video, I tried to set up FHIR SQL Builder on my localhost. However, when I applied data for Transformation Specification details the "Analysis has no records" error appears. Thanks, #FHIR #InterSystems IRIS 0 5 0 305
Question Prasanth Annamreddy · Oct 24, 2023 How to create new Session for each transaction in Batch scheduled Job We are running Batch job in scheduled task and the messages are picking in single session and it is not easy to trace the record. I used the Set ..%SessionId= "" at before sending the message to BP but I see the session Id is '1' created for each message. Is there anyother way to create new session for each message sending to BP? Thanks, #Interoperability #ObjectScript #InterSystems IRIS 0 2 0 378
Question Prasanth Annamreddy · Oct 9, 2023 How to get ORU messages Base64 content without Truncate from IRIS DB I have run the query and got ORU^R03 message from SQL Editor and reprocessed the message, But pdf not opened and the base64 content looks truncated. Is there a way to get full content from the message from query? Why the content is not visible in DB that I can see in Message Viewer? Thank you so much for your time to read this, #SQL #InterSystems IRIS for Health 0 2 0 318
Question Prasanth Annamreddy · Oct 3, 2023 How to Read a Desired text from the Base64 content Hi, I want to search for a particular text(Ex : Clinician Code) in the PDF which is in Encoded Base 64 format. Can it possible to read and filter the text and please provide a sample code for this? Thanks for your time to help on this! #InterSystems IRIS 1 3 1 359
Question Prasanth Annamreddy · Sep 2, 2023 How to convert JSON data to FHIR Object Hi, Here are the requirements for implementing a new project using FHIR and JSON. The FHIR JSON resource types - Patient, Encounter, etc. - need to be converted to HL7 messages using DTL. #FHIR #JSON #InterSystems IRIS for Health 0 6 1 1.1K