Hi Richard,

Parameter 1 is namespace where routine1 is.

Parameter 2 is routine1 name

Parameter 3 is namespace where routine2 is.

Parameter 4 is routine2 name

Parameter 5 is global where differences are saved.

If you want to compare same routine in different servers, you should use ECP for to see the other namespace.

Syntax for to call it:

USER>do ##class(%Library.Routine).RoutineCompare("USER","routine","TEST","routine","^x")
USER>d ^%G
For help on global specifications DO HELP^%G
Global ^x
^x(1)=$lb("","","+372",$c(9)_"; New comment")

I think it would be better to have a small front-end that connects to a server1 and export routine1, connets to server 2 for to get routine2 and then compare both text file using any compare program like Beyond Compare 4



Hi James, I'm sending same exercise with asteroids 😂

    do {
        for  {
            read !,"Enter time HH:MM:SS :",hr#2
            if hr="" quit
            read ":",min#2,":",sec#2
            if hr '?2n!(hr >23) write !,"hr  must be a number between 0 and 23" continue
            if min'?2n!(min>59) write !,"min must be a number between 0 and 59" continue
            if sec'?2n!(sec>59) write !,"sec must be a number between 0 and 59" continue
        if $l(hr) {
            write !,"Equivalent M time: ",$$ConvertToMTime(hr,min,sec)
            write " ",$zth(hr_":"_min_":"_sec)
    } while $l(hr)

    quit (h*3600)+(m*60)+s

Hi Michael,

Something like this ?

Search where "<?xml " starts

Search where it ends (first >)

Get first tag after xml header

Find where this tag ends

Remove characters in the middle.

	set complex=1
	set crlf=$c(13,10)
	set file="text 1"
	set file=file_crlf_"text 2"
	set file=file_crlf_"<?xml version=""1.0"" encoding='UTF-8'?>"
	if complex {
		set file=file_crlf_"<Results xmlns:xsi='http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance'"
    	set file=file_crlf_"     xmlns='urn:tcleDoctorReport'"
		set file=file_crlf_"         xsi:schemaLocation='urn:tcleDoctorReport DoctorReport.xsd'>"
	} else {
		set file=file_crlf_"<Results>"
	set file=file_crlf_"	<ReportPageFormat/>"
	set file=file_crlf_"	<Department>"
	set file=file_crlf_"		<Section>"
	set file=file_crlf_"			<TestSet>"
	set file=file_crlf_"				<TestSetDesc>Blood Culture (Aerobic+Anaerobic)</TestSetDesc>"
	set file=file_crlf_"			</TestSet>"
	set file=file_crlf_"			<TestSet>"
	set file=file_crlf_"				<TestSetDesc>Blood Culture Positive Result</TestSetDesc>"
	set file=file_crlf_"			</TestSet>"
	set file=file_crlf_"		</Section>"
	set file=file_crlf_"	</Department>"
	set file=file_crlf_"	<EpisodeData>"
	set file=file_crlf_"		<EpisodeNumber>240000100</EpisodeNumber>"
	set file=file_crlf_"		<FirstName>Lily</FirstName>"
	set file=file_crlf_"	</EpisodeData>"
	set file=file_crlf_"</Results>"
	set file=file_crlf_"text 3"
	set file=file_crlf_"text 4"
	set xmlheadstart=$f(file,"<?xml ")-6
	set xmlheadend=$f(file,">",xmlheadstart)-1
	;zzdump $e(file,xmlheadstart,xmlheadend)
	set firsttag=$tr($p($e(file,xmlheadend+1,*),">",1)_">",$c(13,10))
	;zzdump firsttag
	set tag=$p($e($p(firsttag," ",1),2,*),">",1)
	;write !,tag
	set xmlend=$f(file,"</"_tag_">")
	zzdump $e(file,1,xmlheadstart-1)_$e(file,xmlend,*)

What I get:

USER>d ^test2
0000: 74 65 78 74 20 31 0D 0A 74 65 78 74 20 32 0D 0A         text 1..text 2..
0010: 0D 0A 74 65 78 74 20 33 0D 0A 74 65 78 74 20 34         ..text 3..text 4



Hi Stuart

And using CONTINUE command ?

set list = "ABC~DEF~GHI~JKL~MNO~[~PQR~]"
set SegmentList = $LISTFROMSTRING(list,"~")
set SegmentCount = $LISTLENGTH(SegmentList)
set OptionalSegment="N"
FOR = 1:1:SegmentCount{
  if $LISTGET(SegmentList,i)= "[" set OptionalSegment = "Y" continue
  if $LISTGET(SegmentList,i)= "]" set OptionaSegment="N" continue
  write !, "Current Segment: "_$LISTGET(SegmentList,i)," ",OptionalSegment
  ;set SegmentFields = $LISTFROMSTRING(object.SegmentSubStructure,"~")
  ;set SegFieldCount = $LISTLENGTH(SegmentFields)

Another option is to use the open command where first argument is the OS command. Then you can get the answer from OS. For example:

 set old=$zu(68,40,1) ; Enable $zeof

 kill ^TMP($zn,$j)
 set cmd="find /logs/* -printf '%Td/%Tm/%TY %f\n'"

 open cmd:"Q"
 use cmd for x=1:1 read line quit:$zeof=-1 set ^TMP($zn,$j,"FILE",x)=line
 close cmd

 if $zu(68,40,old) // Restore previous mode



Hi John,

You understood me well.

But it's curious, after to run a Template, the list is never populated. I see always "Template 1", nevertheless , my "Add in" menu is populated...

I have searched the name using regedit

Add list is there:

Equipo\HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\InterSystems\Cache Studio\Recent Add Ins List

I can see also "Recent Template List n" from 0 to 6

Equipo\HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\InterSystems\Cache Studio\Recent Template List n

If you have something there, can you tell me the format, please ?

I will try to add it into my register



Hi John,

My sample was using PCL but I don't know what printer are you using.

First thing should be to know what escape sequence do you need to send to the printer for to get bold.

Escape sequences are different if printer is HP, Epson, etc...

My suggestion is to check first doing an open printer, use printer, write escape sequence text, close printer if printer is doing bold.

After to get the correct escape sequence, you can write a mnemonic routine for to get bold in terminal, printer1, etc.. without change your code.

You will need different mnemonic routines for different printer types.

Hope this helps


Hi John,

I think you can do it using mnemonics:

write /SGR(1),"bold",/SGR(0)," normal"

Probably the printer will not understand this, but you can define another mnemonic for the printer, sending the correct escape sequence to it


and then use the |PRN| device with your mnemonic:

USE "|PRN|"::"^%PCL"

For example, if printer is PCL you should send:

  if %1=1 write $c(27),"(s3" // Bold
  if %1=0 write $c(27),"(s0" // Normal