Hi Michael,

Something like this ?

Search where "<?xml " starts

Search where it ends (first >)

Get first tag after xml header

Find where this tag ends

Remove characters in the middle.

	set complex=1
	set crlf=$c(13,10)
	set file="text 1"
	set file=file_crlf_"text 2"
	set file=file_crlf_"<?xml version=""1.0"" encoding='UTF-8'?>"
	if complex {
		set file=file_crlf_"<Results xmlns:xsi='http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance'"
    	set file=file_crlf_"     xmlns='urn:tcleDoctorReport'"
		set file=file_crlf_"         xsi:schemaLocation='urn:tcleDoctorReport DoctorReport.xsd'>"
	} else {
		set file=file_crlf_"<Results>"
	set file=file_crlf_"	<ReportPageFormat/>"
	set file=file_crlf_"	<Department>"
	set file=file_crlf_"		<Section>"
	set file=file_crlf_"			<TestSet>"
	set file=file_crlf_"				<TestSetDesc>Blood Culture (Aerobic+Anaerobic)</TestSetDesc>"
	set file=file_crlf_"			</TestSet>"
	set file=file_crlf_"			<TestSet>"
	set file=file_crlf_"				<TestSetDesc>Blood Culture Positive Result</TestSetDesc>"
	set file=file_crlf_"			</TestSet>"
	set file=file_crlf_"		</Section>"
	set file=file_crlf_"	</Department>"
	set file=file_crlf_"	<EpisodeData>"
	set file=file_crlf_"		<EpisodeNumber>240000100</EpisodeNumber>"
	set file=file_crlf_"		<FirstName>Lily</FirstName>"
	set file=file_crlf_"	</EpisodeData>"
	set file=file_crlf_"</Results>"
	set file=file_crlf_"text 3"
	set file=file_crlf_"text 4"
	set xmlheadstart=$f(file,"<?xml ")-6
	set xmlheadend=$f(file,">",xmlheadstart)-1
	;zzdump $e(file,xmlheadstart,xmlheadend)
	set firsttag=$tr($p($e(file,xmlheadend+1,*),">",1)_">",$c(13,10))
	;zzdump firsttag
	set tag=$p($e($p(firsttag," ",1),2,*),">",1)
	;write !,tag
	set xmlend=$f(file,"</"_tag_">")
	zzdump $e(file,1,xmlheadstart-1)_$e(file,xmlend,*)

What I get:

USER>d ^test2
0000: 74 65 78 74 20 31 0D 0A 74 65 78 74 20 32 0D 0A         text 1..text 2..
0010: 0D 0A 74 65 78 74 20 33 0D 0A 74 65 78 74 20 34         ..text 3..text 4



Hi John,

I think you can do it using mnemonics:

write /SGR(1),"bold",/SGR(0)," normal"

Probably the printer will not understand this, but you can define another mnemonic for the printer, sending the correct escape sequence to it


and then use the |PRN| device with your mnemonic:

USE "|PRN|"::"^%PCL"

For example, if printer is PCL you should send:

  if %1=1 write $c(27),"(s3" // Bold
  if %1=0 write $c(27),"(s0" // Normal