go to post Phillip Wu · Mar 5, 2023 I based my view on the logs I got from Node 1, Node 2 & arbiter and the timestamps. These are some samples: Arbiter: 2023-01-17T15:54:56.773722+11:00 LIVEARB ISCAgent[16131]: Arbiter client error: Message read failed. Node 1: 01/17/23-15:56:22:875 (18886) 2 [Utility.Event] Arbiter connection lost 01/17/23-15:56:23:663 (24774) 0 [Generic.Event] MirrorServer: Received new failover mode (Agent Controlled) from backup...(repeated 1 times) Node 2: 01/17/23-15:56:23:407 (9272) 0 [Generic.Event] MirrorClient: Switched from Arbiter Controlled to Agent Controlled failover on request from primary
go to post Phillip Wu · Feb 22, 2023 Yes you need a virtual IP for the mirror [set of nodes]. I recently set up a mirror using the System Management portal with: Primary Backup Async member [DR] Async member [Reporting]
go to post Phillip Wu · Feb 22, 2023 Thanks. The reason I would like to get the status of the IRIS arbiter process is that I had IRIS DB "freeze" recently. On checking the logs on Primary and Backup nodes both were indicating that it lost connection to the artibiter. Both Primary and Backup nodes went into a "waiting" state so freezing the application running on IRIS.
go to post Phillip Wu · Feb 16, 2023 Thanks. I'm getting 'timed out'. Can I get the reason why? irissqlcli -h TRAK-BASE01 -u superuser -W -p 51773Password for superuser:timed out I got the SuperServer port as follows BASE01:~ # iris listConfiguration 'BASETC' (default) directory: /trak/base/tc/iris/basetc versionid: 2021. datadir: /trak/base/tc/iris/basetc conf file: iris.cpf (SuperServer port = 51773, WebServer = 52773) status: running, since Thu Feb 2 11:29:56 2023 state: alert product: InterSystems IRISHealth
go to post Phillip Wu · Feb 12, 2023 Thanks. I have installed it on my OpenSUSE test server but when it tries to connect to the trakCare server, I get "Connection Refused". There is no firewall running on my OpenSUSE test server nor the trakCare server.I've tested this with firewall-cmd --stat. The trakCare server is SUSE Linux The main comms firewall is not blocking the transmssion either.Do you know what ports are being used between OpenSUSE test server and the trakCare server?
go to post Phillip Wu · Feb 9, 2023 My python version is 3.6.5 so it looks like it is too old. I do have an a test OpenSUSE server on Python 3.11.Would this be allowed to connect remotely to my IRIS/trakCare DB?If so is there anything special I would need to do this?
go to post Phillip Wu · Jan 23, 2023 Yes both TESTTC01 and TESTTC02 existed. Yes the process seems overly complicated but these were from some notes left by my predecessor Thanks for your advice
go to post Phillip Wu · Jan 20, 2023 set status=##Class(SYS.Mirror).AddDatabase("/db/iknow") I get a syntax error when I do:IF $$$ISOK(status) {w "OK"} else {w "not OK"} Although this works OK:IF status {w "OK"} else {w "not OK"} Any idea why this is so?
go to post Phillip Wu · Dec 5, 2022 Thanks for the suggestion. You mentioned "InterSystems internal interactive tools. So, most such tools have non-interactive endpoints". Could you please provide an example?Is there a listing of all such "tools"?