go to post Lucas Enard · Nov 29, 2022 Hello everyone, Check out the V2 of my application for the InterSystems FHIR contest !! This time, we will see how to go from CSV to FHIR to SQL to JUPYTER all in one go and using only Python !!! Check this out here : https://community.intersystems.com/post/incredible-csv-fhir-sql-jupyter-...
go to post Lucas Enard · Oct 24, 2022 Thank you for using my work and for the credit. I'm glad you find a way to play and learn with it.
go to post Lucas Enard · Sep 21, 2022 Hello everybody I'm Lucas, my project took the first place and I'm glad you liked it. Unfortunately I won't be able to attend the meeting so here's a quick video about me and the project ( 8 minutes of video done in a hurry in a hour so forgive me for the quality and the voice ) : https://youtu.be/q3FsUJN_U0A Don't forget to activate subtitles !! ( The French accent hit pretty hard on that one )
go to post Lucas Enard · Sep 19, 2022 Thank you so much everyone for the feedback on my work and the kind comments. Thank you for choosing my application as the winner and for the second place in the community vote !!
go to post Lucas Enard · Sep 14, 2022 Hello, Thanks for trying my template. You need to register through the HuggingFace website and get an API key for free.
go to post Lucas Enard · Sep 11, 2022 Hello Irina, I'm happy to say that I have joined the competition and that my application has been submitted !! Here is the link to my app and the link to the DC post about it. https://openexchange.intersystems.com/package/Sustainable-Machine-Learninghttps://community.intersystems.com/post/sustainable-machine-learning-int...
go to post Lucas Enard · Aug 24, 2022 Hello again, See : https://github.com/LucasEnard/iris-web-scraping https://community.intersystems.com/post/web-scraping-iris-using-only-python https://openexchange.intersystems.com/package/iris-web-scraping Thanks again.
go to post Lucas Enard · Aug 23, 2022 Hello,This is a great and simple approach to scraping. May I ask you if it's possible for me to use your work to make it in full Python ( https://openexchange.intersystems.com/package/interoperability-embedded-... ) in IRIS ?I currently have a lot of projects in full Python and if you are intersted check my DC.
go to post Lucas Enard · Aug 22, 2022 Thank you for the feedback !In fact, fhir.resources does a fhir auto-validation whenever you create a resource.For example at one point in the Data Transformation i'm doing : organization.address = [adress] Because as you may know `address` is a list.If you enter a string you'll get a Python `Exception ValueError`
go to post Lucas Enard · Aug 18, 2022 If you are interested, check out the formation I made on the tools I used in this GitHub : https://github.com/LucasEnard/formation-template-python
go to post Lucas Enard · Aug 18, 2022 If you are interested, check out the formation I made on the tools I used in this GitHub : https://github.com/LucasEnard/formation-template-python
go to post Lucas Enard · Aug 18, 2022 If you are interested, check out the formation I made on the tools I used in this GitHub : https://github.com/LucasEnard/formation-template-python
go to post Lucas Enard · Aug 5, 2022 If you are interested in ml and images I just updated the GitHub to work with `object-detection`, `image-segmentation` and `image-classification`.I added some examples with the facebook detr resnet 50 to analyze images.On the mean time I'm working on a GitHub to fine tune the ner state-of-the-art SpaCy to work with health data if you are interested.
go to post Lucas Enard · Jul 28, 2022 I'll gladly do it, thank you a lot ! https://openexchange.intersystems.com/package/iris-fix-protocol
go to post Lucas Enard · May 19, 2022 It is possible using the `devcontainer.json` file which is inside the `.devcontainer` folder.You can fill the property `extensions` with an array of extension IDs that specify the extensions that should be installed inside the container when it is created.You can find an example in the formation I made to use IRIS and create a production in full Python here https://github.com/LucasEnard/formation-template-python/blob/main/.devco... at the end of the file.
go to post Lucas Enard · May 18, 2022 Exactly, for instance in Python, if you wish to use this client outside the container you need to `pip install fhirpy` and `pip install fhir.resources` on your own computer.Using the container, the requierments.txt file will be read by docker which will call `pip install requirements.txt` inside the container and install the right modules inside the container and not on your computer. Same goes for java and c# !
go to post Lucas Enard · May 16, 2022 Thank you for your feedback!From what I know, you can use it locally without docker at all or use it with docker-compose and mapping if you wish to.I did it like this because I wanted it to work without the need for the user to install anything on their computer (as I've made a c# and a java version too, it seemed easier to preinstall everything to have a clone and go github).You can use VSCode with IRIS and IRIS Python / Embedded Python, for that I recommend you to check https://github.com/grongierisc/interoperability-embedded-python which is a proof of concept aiming to show how the iris interoperability framework can be used with embedded python while coding inside a container.If you have any more questions don't hesitate !