Question Jamie Prevo · Jun 17, 2023 Hide or make routines binary? Sorry, somewhat of novice here, but how is a mac or a routine created into a binary or is there a way to hide your routines so that no other user can edit them? Like remove source code and have an executable? I would like to do this MAC and CSP pages #CSP #ObjectScript #Caché 1 8 0 414
Question Jamie Prevo · Sep 28, 2022 Up/Down Arrow selection In cache I am looking for a user to, from read prompt, hit control F and be able, from a list, use the up and down arrow and select an item from a list. User would hit Control-F and then a list would pop up they can up and down arrow through and select it and it return to the read variable It would be similar to this. #Caché 0 5 0 325
Question Jamie Prevo · Oct 11, 2016 Download just the Studio? Is there a way to download just the studio and not have to download cache to get it? #Studio #Caché 1 2 0 2.7K