I've created a config file from some random example and placed it in the bin directory. I can run it from there in the command prompt, but the $zf does not execute it.

Would you mind sharing your openssl config file and where it should reside? Which paths should be configured on Windows?

Will the user require the %CallOut service to be available to do this on a locked down install(production environment)

Thank you. The parameter of OnProcessInput being a %Stream.Object confused me, as that has no FileName property in the class reference. The FileName property did however work. I realize now that a FileCharacterStream object is passed to the OnProcessInput from the File InboundAdapter.

Regarding your question: I use the original file name in a Business Operation, which uses the File.OutboundAdapter. I concatenate a suffix to the original filename and then use putline of the OutboundAdapter to create the file.

Thank you Tony.

This would mean that the password change service will have to be on a CSP application configuration which is unauthenticated by the underlying Cache web-service handler.

Another option may be to let the password never expire and perform peer certificate verification by issuing a certificate to the client and verifying it during the SSL/TLS handshake.
Is this possible in Cache on the CSP gateway in some way, on a User level or even on a CSP application configuration?