Hi Developers!

With InterSystems IRIS Cloud SQL recently becoming Generally Available, some of you may have had a chance to try it out. Or maybe you used it for your contest entry or during the EAP period. We're curious to learn what YOU think of it. So, have you already tried the new service InterSystems IRIS Cloud SQL?

We have launched a new Ideas Portal category dedicated to this database-as-a-service (DBaaS) where we're looking for your ideas on how we can improve InterSystems IRIS Cloud SQL.

Or share your experience with the service in the comments to this post.

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Hi everybody!

Many developers prefer a dark version of applications. Not surprisingly, @Guillaume Rongier posted an idea of making a dark version for the Developer Community.

So we look forward to hearing from you.

Please send us your feedback by using this Poll on the Ideas Portal, and by voting and commenting on the relevant idea.

Thank you in advance for your votes and have a good day!

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