My best result is 77 72 69 67 so far.

Class ITPlanet.Task4 Abstract ]

ClassMethod main(As %Integer 10)
 x=1:1:y=1:1:w $c(y#s<2!$lf($lb(1,s,y,s-y+1),x)*3+32)

ClassMethod length(
  class = {$classname()},
  method "main"As %Integer CodeMode = expression ]



##       ##
# #     # #
#  #   #  #
#   # #   #
#    #    #
#   # #   #
#  #   #  #
# #     # #
##       ##

Make two changes to your code:

  1. /// return json
    Method infoJson() As %String WebMethod ]
        set soapresponse=##class(webservice.SOAPResponse).%New()
        set soapresponse.CustomerID="1"
        set soapresponse.Name="2"
        set soapresponse.Street="3"
        set soapresponse.City="4"
        set soapresponse.State="5"
        set soapresponse.Zip="6"
        set stream=##class(%Stream.TmpBinary).%New()
        do ##class(%ZEN.Auxiliary.jsonProvider).%WriteJSONStreamFromObject(stream,soapresponse,,,$$$YES,"s")
        quit stream.Read($$$MaxStringLength)
  2. /// write ##class(PRD.Test).test1()
    ClassMethod test1() As %String
        set soapresponse=##class(webservice.SOAPResponse).%New()
        set soapresponse.CustomerID="1"
        set soapresponse.Name="2"
        set soapresponse.Street="3"
        set soapresponse.City="4"
        set soapresponse.State="5"
        set soapresponse.Zip="6"
        set stream=##class(%Stream.TmpBinary).%New()
        do ##class(%ZEN.Auxiliary.jsonProvider).%WriteJSONStreamFromObject(stream,soapresponse,,,$$$YES,"s")
        quit stream.Read($$$MaxStringLength)

Fixed bugs/typos and added new types.

#include %PVA
types ; Show COS-Datatypes ; kav ; 2018-03-04
 s $bit(bitstring,1) = 1

 "№",?4,"VALUE",?30,"JSON",?45,"$LISTBUILD",!,$TR($J("",55)," ","-"),!
 i=0:1:array.%Size() {
 // Return JSON datatype by the documented way
  typ_" "_$case(typ,
 // Return datatype by the undocumented $LB() way
  i $l(val)>253 {
  else {
  typ_" "_$case(typ
    , :"??? never seen before")


№   VALUE                     JSON           $LISTBUILD
0)  Ÿ                          8 text         1 8bitString
                              8 text         1 8bitString
2)                            8 text         1 8bitString
3)                            0 null         1 8bitString
4)  1                         1 boolTrue     1 8bitString
5)  0                         2 boolFalse    1 8bitString
6)  4@%ZEN.proxyObject        12 oref        1 8bitString
7)  2@%Library.DynamicArray   6 array        1 8bitString
8)  1@%Library.DynamicObject  7 object       1 8bitString
9)  abcd                      8 text         1 8bitString
10) 視                         8 text         2 16bitString
11) 2                         8 text         1 8bitString
12) 2                         9 number       4 nonNegativeInteger
13) -2                        9 number       5 negativeInteger
14) 2.1                       9 number       6 nonNegativeFloat
15) -2.1                      9 number       7 negativeFloat
16) 2.1000000000000000888     18 double      8 double
17)                           13 unassigned  1 8bitString
18) 2                         3 +int         4 nonNegativeInteger
19) -2                        4 -int         5 negativeInteger
20)                           31 eof         1 8bitString

On my desktop quite other results.



  j=1,2/*,3,4,5*/ {
    j,") "

    d @("j"_j)(N)
    w $zh-time," s.",!
j1(N) public {
j2(N) public {
j3(N) public {
j4(N) public {
  i=1:1:{a=0 b=1 c=2 d=3 e=4 f=5}
j5(N) public {
  i=1:1:{s $lb(a,b,c,d,e,f)=$lb(0,1,2,3,4,5)}


1) 11.814189 s.
2) 4.683832 s.

As you can see the difference is almost 2.5 times.

Undefined variable and the variable contains "" (null) is two different situations, e.g. (see $DATA):

kill myObj
write $data(myObj),! ; -> 0
set myObj=$$$NULLOREF
write $data(myObj),! ; -> 1

In your case it would be better to use $IsObject:

kill myObj
write $IsObject(myObj),! ; -> 0
set d=$$$NULLOREF
write $IsObject(myObj),! ; -> 0
set myObj={}
write $IsObject(myObj),! ; -> 1

Accordingly, should be do $$$AssertTrue('$IsObject(myObj), "myObj is null")

You are right, the macro $$$NULL present only in and this is not the file that developers often include to its project.
I prefer to use the macro $$$NULLOREF/$$$NULLOID from, which is available by default in the class that inherits from %Library.Base, and for routines is enough to include

Why so difficult?
This similarly following condition:

year(current_date) - year(DOB)
) >= 13

It Besides above was already indicated, why does not follow to use such a code, for example:

select datediff(year,
todate(to_char({'1990-12-31'},'YYYY')||':1','YYYY:MM'), -- birthday
todate(to_char({'2003-01-01'},'YYYY')||':1','YYYY:MM') -- report date

This gives an incorrect result - 13, although it should be 12.

Then this:

Include Child

Class Macro.Child Extends Macro.Parent

ClassMethod first()
  #include Child

ClassMethod Test() [ PlaceAfter = first ]
  write "Class: " $classname() , ! , "Value: " $$$name


or this:

ClassMethod Test()
  #include Child
  write "Class: " $classname() , ! , "Value: " $$$name


Include Parent

Class Macro.Parent

ClassMethod Test()
  write "Class: " $classname() , ! , "Value: " $$$name 



Include Child

Class Macro.Child Extends Macro.Parent

ClassMethod Test()
  write "Class: " $classname() , ! , "Value: " $$$name 


#ifndef name
  #define name "Parent"
#endif name

#define name "Child"


>do ##class(Macro.Parent).Test()
Class: Macro.Parent
Value: Parent
>do ##class(Macro.Child).Test()
Class: Macro.Child
Value: Child

For better performance you should make a few changes:

  1. add an index on DOB field
  2. rebuild the index and run TuneTable
  3. modify the query
    select DOB from HSAA.Patient
    or dob between
      and todate((year(current_date)-13)||'1231','yyyymmdd')

The result will pleasantly surprise you.