if I call giveMeAFalseMe from Cache when it's returning "true" or "false", Cache will translate "true" into a truthy %Boolean return value, right?

No, it does zenBool, which is on the client side.

The important thing is that #server()# always returns a string, for example:

<script language="cache" method="giveMeAFalse" arguments="" procedureblock='1' returntype="%Integer">return 4</script>

var bool #server(..giveMeAFalse())#;
console.log("bool = " bool);
console.log("typeof bool = "typeof bool);

bool = 4
typeof bool =  string

PS: you can further explore the sources of the #server()# -> cspHttpServerMethod() -> cspProcessResponse(), which are in the file cspxmlhttp.js.

See zenConvertType() [///Converts a typed value returned from the server to an appropriate JS type] from zenutils.js.

Try this:

<script src="zenutils.js"></script>

<script language="javascript">
function isItActuallyFalse() {

var bool zenConvertType('BOOLEAN',#server(..giveMeAFalse())#);



<script language="cache" method="giveMeAFalse" arguments="" returntype="%Boolean" procedureblock='1'>return $$$NO</script>


var bool zenBool(#server(..giveMeAFalse())#);
<script language="cache" method="giveMeAFalse" arguments="" returntype="%Boolean" procedureblock='1'>return "false"</script>

If you beware to use %occLibrary, you may look into side %Regex.Matcher

Here is another documented solution:

#include %systemInclude

    #define TAB $c(9)
    s csv="""ABC,"_$c(10)_" Company,"",""123 Main St, Ste 102"",""Anytown, DC"",10001,234-567-8901,""Anytown"_$$$TAB_"DC"""



    "Error "ex.DisplayString(),!

WriteCSVRecord(&pRecord, pDelim=",", pEncode=$$$YES{
  // made on the basis of the method %WriteCSVRecord
  Set ""
  Set $O(pRecord(""))
  While (k'=""{
    Set tValue $G(pRecord(k))
    Set:$G(pEncodetValue $ZCVT(tValue,"O","UTF8") 

    Set $S((tValue["""")||(tValue[",")||(tValue[pDelim):$$$quote(tValue),1:tValue)
    Set $O(pRecord(k))
    Set:k'="" pDelim
  Quit r


      Company,","123 Main St, Ste 102","Anytown, DC",10001,234-567-8901,"Anytown        DC"
      Company," "123 Main St, Ste 102"  "Anytown, DC"   10001   234-567-8901    "Anytown        DC"
#include %systemInclude

    csv="ABC Company,""123 Main St, Ste 102"",""Anytown, DC"",10001,234-567-8901"

    i=1:1:$ll(lists:$li(list,i)["," $li(list,i)=$$$quote($li(list,i))


ABC Company,"123 Main St, Ste 102","Anytown, DC",10001,234-567-8901
ABC Company     "123 Main St, Ste 102"  "Anytown, DC"   10001   234-567-8901

Once upon a time promised to make Server-Side JavaScript alongside with Caché ObjectScript and Caché Basic:

I found a JS Runtime Shell that uses Node.JS & esprima:

JRS> ?
.L CLASS   - load javascript methods from CLASS into JS global namespace
.LV var,.. - load the given COS public vars into JS global namespace
.S FUNC  - list the source of the method which implements function FUNC
           - FUNC must be in the global namespace
           - the whole implementing method is shown, even for an inner function
           - this will also work for non-javascript methods
.M       - list MAC code from latest compilation
.I       - list INT code from latest compilation
.T       - show latest tree
.G       - list global symbols
.N CODE  - execute JS on node.js
.N       - execute the last-entered line of JS on node.js
.CONFIG ... - passed to %CPT.CalloutShell 'CONFIG' command
.SET ... - passed to %CPT.CalloutShell 'SET' command
.CLEAR ... - passed to %CPT.CalloutShell 'CLEAR' command
.SHOW ... - passed to %CPT.CalloutShell 'SHOW' command
!COS     - execute a line of COS
Anything else is interpreted as JS. :-
* if preceded by "=" it must be a single function definition
* otherwise it can be either a single expression or a sequence
  of statements separated by ";"s
Either way it will be compiled into a function body and :-
* if preceded by "==" it is stored as a JS global with the new function's name
* otherwise it will just be executed
\n can be used to represent a newline.
You can also take input from a file :-
 <FILE    - read JS from FILE and compile+execute it
 <=FILE   - read JS from FILE and compile+store it
The result of the execution is shown and also stored in global variable '_'.
For a global variable, set it without using 'var' (this will be fixed)

JRS> .N var obj { name: "John", age: 30, city: "New York" }; JSON.stringify(obj);
{result: "{""name"":""John"",""age"":30,""city"":""New York""}"}

JRS> .N Math.random()
{result: .5670654247514904}

JRS> .N var fruits ["Banana""Orange""Apple""Mango"]; fruits.sort();
{result: ["Apple", "Banana", "Mango", "Orange", 1: "Apple", 2: "Banana", 3: "Mango", 4: "Orange"]}

JRS> q

If you do universal LPAD, it is best $$lpad^%qarfunc, because for certain arguments may produce an incorrect result, for example:

#define lpad(%s,%len,%pad) $tr($j(%s,%len)," ",%pad)
s s="a b",len=8,pad="0"
w $$$lpad(s,len,pad),!


00000a b
a ba a b


ClientMethod changeParams() [ Language = javascript ]
  var query zen('categorieBeneficiaire');
  var param1 zen('catBParam1');
  var param2 zen('catBParam2');


/// This client event, if present, is fired when the page is loaded.
ClientMethod onloadHandler() [ Language = javascript ]